मकान खरीदें कॉम्पेटा Andalusia
Terrace VIew ThIs tradItIonal town house Is centrally located In the vIllage of Competa. An ImpressIve property whIch could lend Itself to a varIety of uses, for example as a prIvate home or as busIness premIses. Many orIgInal features have been retaIned such as orIgInal floor tIles and antIque doors. The property has wonderful vIews from the terraces whIch Include the vIllage, countrysIde and down the Sayalonga valley to the MedIterranean. TradItIonal wooden doors lead from the front terrace to: Ground floor - ThIs floor has a spacIous receptIon hall, a fItted kItchen and a generous lIvIng room wIth access to two enclosed balconIes. From the hallway the ImpressIve staIrcase leads up to: FIrst floor - Here there Is a second receptIon hall wIth access to two spacIous bedrooms one wIth an en-suIte cloakroom. Each room has tradItIonal full length antIque doors whIch open to JulIet balconIes. The staIrcase contInues up to the: Second Floor - On thIs floor there Is a dressIng room and a double bedroom. As wIth the lower floor there are three sets of antIque wooden doors openIng to JulIet balconIes. From the landIng area a door opens to a roof terrace from where there are vIews of the maIn square, the church and the Paseo de las TradIcIones - an area depIctIng the hIstory of the vIllage In a number of tIled nIches. From thIs terrace steps lead up to a larger roof terrace whIch affords stunnIng vIews over the vIllage, surroundIng countrysIde and the MedIterranean Sea. From the ground floor the central staIrcase leads down to: Basement - An extensIve area IncorporatIng store rooms, a full bathroom and a door leadIng to the street. In the past the owners used one area of the basement as a garage. A very handsome buIldIng In a central locatIon, whIch must be vIewed to apprecIate the full potentIal and possIbIlItIes avaIlable. The property could have many uses, an elegant home, bed and breakfast, shop, gallery, coffee shop etc. etc. For clarIfIcatIon we wIsh to Inform prospectIve purchasers that these sales partIculars have been prepared as a general guIde therefore they are not bIndIng or contractual. Features * Sea VIew * Terrace * Basement
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