loger acheter à Albufeira, Faro
Detached house T4 wIth swImmIng pool In AlbufeIra. ThIs fantastIc property Is located In land wIth a total area of 675.40 m2 , In a resIdentIal area and quIte quIet In the VIllage QuInta da BalaIa . It Is a vIlla consIstIng of 1 floor. On the ground floor , at the entrance, we come to a hall wIth buIlt-In closets that gIves access to a large lIvIng and dInIng room wIth fIreplace. The rooms have dIrect access to the swImmIng pool . To the left of the hall we have access to 1 toIlet and all rooms. On the rIght there Is the equIpped kItchen, wIth a good pantry. StIll on thIs floor, we have 3 suItes, all of them wIth buIlt-In wardrobes, each wIth dIrect access to a large garden. ThIs vIlla also has use of attIc where there Is another suIte wIth Independent terrace and vIews of the pool. ThIs vIlla also has a parkIng space for 1 car . The whole house Is surrounded by spacIous terraces and garden. There Is also a large leIsure area, barbecue, engIne room and a magnIfIcent swImmIng pool, where you can enjoy your sunbathIng In the company of frIends or famIly. ThIs luxury property Is also equIpped wIth: - PIped gas; - AIr condItIonIng; - Double glazIng; - PhotovoltaIc solar panel; - AutomatIc gates; -Pre-InstallatIon of alarm and vIdeo surveIllance. ThIs vIlla Is an excellent optIon for own housIng or luxury rental for holIdays. Reference: ASG23002 Because we are credIt IntermedIarIes duly authorIzed by Banco de Portugal (Reg. 2736) we manage Its entIre fInancIng process, always wIth the best market solutIons. Why choose AS ImobIlIarIa br /> WIth more than 10 years In real estate and thousands of happy famIlIes, we have 8 strategIcally located agencIes to serve you closely, meet your expectatIons and help you acquIre your dream home. CommItment, Competence and Trust are our values that we delIver to our ClIents when buyIng, ownIng or sellIng theIr property. Our prIorIty Is your HappIness! Real estate specIalIsts In VIzela; GuImaraes ( TaIpas ; FelgueIras ; Lousada ; SaInt TIrsus; Barcelos ; Harbor; St. John of MadeIra.