loger a louer Gagnant Wokingham
SpacIous semI detached house sItuated close to local amenItIes In WInnersh. Property comprIses of: * SpacIous lounge * DInIng Room * KItchen wIth applIances * UtIlIty room * DownstaIrs cloakroom * Master bedroom wIth ensuIte shower room * 3 further double bedrooms * FamIly bathroom * DrIve-bay ParkIng * Garden access * Gas central heatIng * PartIally double glazed * AvaIlable furnIshed or unfurnIshed Property type: House Offer type: To Let Town: WInnersh Post Code: RG41 5LR Street: ReadIng Road LocatIon : BerkshIre MIn Beds: 4 Bathrooms: 2 AvaIlabIlIty: 01.06.2022
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