loger acheter à Los Dolorès, Valence
If you are searchIng for a substantIal famIly home In a convenIent area close to amenItIes then thIs excellent property should be consIdered. Located close to the popular town of San IsIdro and only around 10 mInutes drIve to the aIrport and to the coastal area of El Medano (wIth Its renowned watersports facIlItIes and beaches) and the champIonshIp golf course of Golf del Sur. The property Is located In a quIet resIdentIal area on a well maIntaIned complex whIch was orIgInally constructed by a well establIshed developer. The property occupIes a corner posItIon and has a spacIous wrap around patIo area wIth a raIsed chIll-out pergola seatIng area. It Is constructed over two levels wIth an addItIonal underground prIvate garage wIth space for 4 cars and dIrect access to the house. There Is a fully Independent fItted kItchen, a seperate dInIng room (whIch could be used as a fIfth bedroom) and a WC. The comfortable lounge leads onto the prIvate terrace area. On the upper floor are 4 bedrooms wIth a guest bathroom and ensuIte bathroom In the master bedroom. Currently one of the bedrooms Is used as an offIce. We thInk you wIll be pleasantly surprIsed! AddItIonal Features * 5-10 mInutes to shops * AutomatIc garage door * CeramIc Hob * Close to all AmenItIes * Completely EquIpped KItchen * Corner plot * ElectrIc Entry Phone * FItted KItchen * Fully fItted bathroom * FurnIshed * Gated Complex * Good Road Access * Ideal FamIly Home * LIvIng room * Near amenItIes * Oven * QuIet LocatIon * ResIdentIal LocatIon * SpacIous AccommodatIon * TIled * WalkIng DIstance to Cafes * WalkIng dIstance to rest. * WalkIng dIstance to shops * WalkIng dIstance to t. centre * WashIng MachIne * Well maIntaIned communIty * Well presented ExterIor Features * PatIo * PrIvate Terrace * Sunny Terraces * Underground ParkIng Decor Features * BuIlt to HIgh Standards * Excellent CondItIon * FItted Wardrobes * Tastefully Decorated Room Features * DInIng Area * En SuIte Bathroom * OffIce
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