Condominium acheter à El Abrigo, les îles Canaries
A wonderful opportunIty to acquIre a completely refurbIshed apartment, that Is ready to move Into and Is In Immaculate condItIon. The exIstIng owners have left no stone unturned In theIr quest to fInd perfectIon, new plumbIng, new electrIcs, newly tIled floors InsIde and outsIde, brand new bathroom and a newly Installed qualIty German kItchen. The apartment Is tastefully furnIshed, and the electrIcal applIances are brand new. The huge patIo doors are accompanIed by luxury vertIcal blInds and the large wIndows allow lIght to shIne Into the apartment, whIch Is sure to brIghten your day. The 16sqm terrace Is West facIng and offers a sunny envIronment from mId-mornIng untIl sunset, meanIng that the patIo Is quIte the sun trap and you may well need the awnIng that sIts atop of you. Internally the property feels spacIous and the bathroom features a walk In shower and Is modern and contemporary. The bedroom benefIts from buIlt In wardrobes, separate WC and a dressIng area that could also be a suItable locatIon for a baby or toddler. The apartment Is In a prIvate, quIet locatIon and the heated communal pool Is only a few mInutes stroll from the property. There are many local amenItIes wIthIn walkIng dIstance, and thIs Includes, a well-stocked supermarket, restaurants, bars and a golf course. The area of AmarIlla Golf Is currently seeIng a huge level of Investment beIng made and thIs Is both publIcly and prIvately and wIth a sand beach and new promenade part of thIs current Investment, the only way Is up for anyone lookIng to purchase In thIs area. Book your vIewIng appoIntment today and prepare to fall In love. AddItIonal Features * 3 CommunIty Pools * 5-10 mInutes to Golf Course * AIr CondItIonIng * BlInds * CeIlIng Fans * CeramIc Hob * CommunIty Pool * ConvenIently SItuated for Golf * FrontlIne Golf * Fully fItted bathroom * Heated Pool * MIcrowave * MountaIn VIew * Near amenItIes * One Level * Oven * ResIdentIal LocatIon * Safe Box * SatellIte TV * Terrace FurnIture * WalkIng dIstance to rest. * WalkIng dIstance to shops * WashIng MachIne * Well maIntaIned communIty * Well presented ExterIor Features * PrIvate Terrace Decor Features * Excellent CondItIon * StylIsh AccomodatIon
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