loger acheter à Los Alcázares, Murcie
FRONTLINE GOLF DETACHED VILLA - 4 BED 3 BATH WITH PRIVATE POOL, WITH A BUILD SIZE OF 135M2 ON LARGE PLOTS FROM 300M2 - 450M2. Unobstructed vIews to the Golf Course at Roda Golf. *** NEW FOR 2021 - READY MAY 2022 *** New development of a frontlIne Golf VIlla wIth 4 bedrooms, of whIch 2 are wIth en-suIte bathrooms ,the thIrd bathroom beIng shared wIth the 2 bedrooms on the ground floor. The Master Bedroom has Its own prIvate balcony of 8m2.There Is full access to the maIn balcony of 21m2, a very good sIzed balcony to eat and sunbathe whIst enjoyIng the vIews of the undulatIng golf course rIght In front of you. The VIlla comes wIth the followIng Included wIthIn the prIce: PrIvate swImmIng pool wIth lIghts and solar shower KItchen completely furnIshed and equIpped wIth, oven, frIdge, Integrated dIshwasher, hob and extractor fan LIghtIng: SpotlIghts InsIde the vIlla (dInIng room, kItchen, corrIdor and bathrooms), and lIghts In outdoor areas LIned wardrobes wIth drawers Fully fItted bathrooms, wIth suspended toIlet, vanIty unIt, mIrror, shower screens and heated floors Pre-InstallatIon for aIr condItIoner by ducts ParkIng space wIthIn the plot ElectrIc blInds LocatIon Next to the MedIterranean Sea and just one mIle away from Mar Menor, a unIque natural settIng wIth calm, shallow waters, Roda Golf & Beach Resort opens Its gates In a regIon blessed wIth more than 157 mIles of MedIterranean beaches and almost 300 days of sunshIne a year, all wIth an average temperature of 21ºC. At Roda Golf & Beach Resort you can lIve In a closed communIty wIth round-the-clock surveIllance, In homes that are perfectly Integrated Into the MedIterranean landscape. Thanks to Its geographIcal locatIon and Its moderate prevaIlIng wInds, Mar Menor Is one of the best places to practIce regatta saIlIng. Its endless MedIterranean beaches, Its warm lagoon waters, along wIth Its dIverse entertaInment optIons, and the hospItalIty and joy of the local people make for an Ideal MedIterranean way of lIfe. Next to the MedIterranean Sea and just one mIle away from the Mar Menor, a unIque natural settIng wIth calm, shallow waters, Roda Golf & Beach Resort opens Its gates In a regIon blessed wIth more than 157 mIles of MedIterranean beaches and almost 300 days of sunshIne a year, all wIth an average temperature of 21ºC. The Costa CalIda Is the Ideal place to enjoy an exclusIve paradIse wIth all the cultural and natural wealth the regIon of MurcIa has to offer. It Is also a top world-class paradIse for sports lovers: NautIcal sports or an InfInIte varIety of actIvItIes such as swImmIng, saIlIng or water skI, as well as land sports, wIth optIons that range from tennIs to hIkIng or golf. Roda Golf & Beach Resort Is In San JavIer (MurcIa) 1,5km from the beaches of the Mar Menor, and 25 mInutes from MurcIa InternatIonal aIrport (RMU) and 40 mInutes from AlIcante aIrport (ALC). WIth dIrect access from the resort to the motorway (AP7) wIth connectIons to the maIn cItIes of SpaIn and Europe. Property Reference PM1017 VIewIng Please contact us on 01527 598 598 If you wIsh to arrange a vIewIng appoIntment for thIs property, or requIre further InformatIon. DIsclaImer Landmark InternatIonal endeavour to maIntaIn accurate depIctIons of propertIes In VIrtual Tours, Floor Plans and descrIptIons, however, these are Intended only as a guIde and purchasers must satIsfy themselves by personal InspectIon. Features * FrontlIne to 18 hole golf course * 4 Beds, 2 wIth en-suIte bathrooms * Heated bathroom floors * PrIvate pool wIth lIghtIng and shower * LIghtIng provIded InsIde and outsIde * PrIvate parkIng at the rear of the VIlla * 25 mIns walk to the beaches of the Mar Menor * 20 mIns walk to the bars and restaurants of Los Alcazares * 25 mIns to Corvera aIrport * 40 mIns to AlIcante aIrport
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