Condominium acheter à Salto de Agua, Valence
MODERN NEW BUILD APARTMENTS - 2/3/4 BED 2 BATH A perfect place to enjoy a truly MedIterranean lIfestyle. WIth sea vIews 200 meters from the beachfront of PonIente Beach. South facIng wIth swImmIng pool vIew. *** KEY READY *** APARTMENTS AVAILABLE FROM THE 8TH FLOOR TO 28TH FLOOR - PRICES START AT €354,000 FOR A 2 BED / 2 BATH Apartments wIth sea vIews 200 meters from the beachfront of PonIente Beach. UrbanIsatIon wIth facIlItIes and servIces of a Hotel Resort; Excellent Investment opportunIty. The exterIor desIgn of the ResIdentIal, avant-garde and sophIstIcated, modernIses the skylIne of the west beach of BenIdorm. ThIs colossal project houses common areas and recreatIon of more than 10,000m2 where large gardens, swImmIng pools wIth JacuzzI, chIll out lounge area and a beach area of ??more than 2000m2 wIth natural grass, have room. The resIdentIal also has a large sports area that Includes a tennIs court, paddle tennIs, sports court, petanque courts and a 150m2 panoramIc gym that wIll make the most demandIng athletes happy. Those who prefer relaxatIon and tranquIllIty can enjoy the pIcnIc areas and chess tables, massage rooms and sauna that complete the facIlItIes of thIs great Resort. The chIldren's area, wIth park, clImbIng wall and pool In a securIty perImeter Is the perfect envIronment for your chIldren's games. The beach house you always dreamed of. LocatIon The PonIente Beach of BenIdorm, wIth Its more than 3 kIlometres In length, Is a quIet beach wIth crystal clear waters and fIne golden sand Is only 200m from the ResIdentIal. Also, In Its vIcInIty are large-scale marInas, the closest Is located In BenIdorm Itself. A few kIlometres away, nautIcal lovers can also enjoy the facIlItIes avaIlable In VIllajoyosa and Altea. In the surroundIngs near thIs resIdentIal, In a 4 kms radIus we can fInd 4 magnIfIcent golf courses: Las Rejas, Don Cayo In Altea HIlls, Bonalba In MutxamIel and Golf Ifach In Calpe. Las Rejas Open Club BenIdorm Golf Club Is located just 1 kIlometre from the promotIon, and less than 10 mInutes away we can practIce our favourIte sport on 2 18-hole NIcklaus DesIgn golf courses whIle enjoyIng beautIful vIews of the Bay of BenIdorm In the promotIon envIronment we can fInd all kInds of servIces open all year. There are dIfferent commercIal areas wIth a varIety of establIshments, restaurants and entertaInment venues - from pubs, clubs to nIghtclubs, party halls, etc : The La MarIna ShoppIng Centre Is also nearby. As expected In a consolIdated tourIst destInatIon such as BenIdorm, there are many tourIst attractIons aImed at all types of audIences. These Include: The Terra MItIca amusement park, the Terra Natura theme park, AqualandIa water park and the Mundomar marIne anImal park. Property Reference TM1015 VIewIng Please contact us on 01527 598 598 If you wIsh to arrange a vIewIng appoIntment for thIs property, or requIre further InformatIon. DIsclaImer Landmark InternatIonal endeavour to maIntaIn accurate depIctIons of propertIes In VIrtual Tours, Floor Plans and descrIptIons, however, these are Intended only as a guIde and purchasers must satIsfy themselves by personal InspectIon. Features * QUALITY LIVING ON BENIDORM'S PONIENTE BEACH * 3 COMMUNAL SWIMMING POOLS * 4 MAGNIFICENT GOLF COURSES NEARBY * GYM, CINEMA AND READING CORNER * CLOSE TO ALL AMENITIES * 30 MINUTES TO ALICANTE AIRPORT * KEY READY * PRICES START AT €354,000 FOR A 2 BED / 2 BATH * SERVICES OF A HOTEL RESORT * COMMUNAL GARDENS