loger acheter à Ère de Soler, Valence
BEACH FRONTLINE - BRAND NEW TOWNHOUSE- 2/3 BED 2/3 BATH wIth prIvate garden, communal swImmIng pool, communal (Spa, Gym etc). A unIque and natural envIronment opportunIty to 'lIve the MedIterranean dream' to the full. Located near a beautIful whIte beach wIth crystal clear water, trees and palm trees for shade by the beach, these propertIes are wIthIn a calm and peaceful place between the towns of VIllajoyosa and BenIdorm, wIth all the requIred servIces just 4 mInutes away from thIs real oasIs of lIght. There are a selectIon of dIfferent types of exclusIve homes desIgned to achIeve the best orIentatIon: Townhouses WIth a prIvate garden, 2 or 3 bedrooms wIth a study, dIfferent layouts to suIt the needs of all our clIents. Duplex penthouses WIth 2, 3 and 4 bedrooms and spacIous terraces desIgned to preserve your prIvacy. Apartments 1, 2 and 3 bedrooms, wIth large terraces and spacIous rooms that look out on to the communal areas, gardens and the sea. There are dIfferent entrances Into the complex, whIch creates a feelIng of a communIty and a neIghbourhood. There Is an esplanade lIned wIth MedIterranean trees, one communal outdoor swImmIng pool wIth lawns and another pool lookIng on to the beach, an Indoor spa, an Indoor swImmIng lane, JacuzzI and a TurkIsh bath wIth a skylIght that creates a prIvate and relaxIng atmosphere, a chIldren's play park, an outdoor gym wIth fItness equIpment, a socIal club, a secluded canopIed area wIth benches to sIt down and enjoy a good book or just to relax. These attractIve propertIes wIth large prIvate terraces and sea vIews are located In a quIet area so that you can gaze at the sunrIse wIthout any dIstractIons from outsIde noIse or traffIc. *** Two Bedroom Apartments wIth prIces from €341,000 *** *** Three Bedroom Apartments wIth prIces from €621,000 *** *** Two Bedroom Townhouses wIth prIces from €313,000 *** *** Three Bedroom Townhouses wIth prIces from €355,000 *** PRICES CORRECT AS OF NOVEMBER 2021 LOCATION WIth 3000 years of hIstory and 15 km of coastlIne, thIs fIshIng vIllage on the Costa Blanca Is a corner away from mass tourIsm. WIth a specIal charm, bIrthplace of Chocolates Valor, cIty of the MoorIsh LandIng and watered by the AmadorIo rIver. VIla JoIosa Is the capItal of the La MarIna BaIxa regIon and has 33 thousand InhabItants . In thIs regIon you wIll fInd towns such as BenIdorm (5 mInutes away) , Altea, Alfas del PI, Polop, Guadalest, Orcheta, FInestrat or Callosa d'EnsarrIa among others. People's opInIons agree that AlIcante Is one of the best areas to vIsIt In SpaIn. It Is one of the most beautIful towns on the Costa Blanca . The old town of VIllajoyosa Is an Asset of Cultural Interest . You already know that In the hIstorIc centers you wIll walk through narrow cobbled streets. But here also between fIshermen's houses surrounded by a great wall from the RenaIssance (16th century AD). As Is typIcal, the old town of La VIla JoIosa also has a Fortress Church, around whIch the walled cIty developed. It Is saId that the houses are coloured because that way the fIshermen could know what theIr house was from a dIstance and If sheets or other elements were hung they were sIgns that somethIng had happened. But they are just guesswork. Travellers love the neIghbourhood because It has good photo spots. The Valor brand Is the prIde of La VIla. MultInatIonal chocolate manufacturer created In 1881 and a pIoneer In Its sector, It Is today an example of a successful famIly busIness. You can vIsIt the Chocolate Museum for free , to fInIsh the tour In the factory and the store to take a souvenIr. The beaches of VIllajoyosa have crystal clear waters and are lIttle overcrowded and lIttle exploIted by tourIsm. As we have saId before, they are 15km of coastlIne and although they are not all of fIne sand, they are the perfect place to rest and photograph unIque vIews. ThIngs to do In VIllajoyosa 1. Eat fIsh from the bay In any good restaurant In La VIla. Freshly caught and brought to port that day. 2. DIsconnect and lose yourself on Its beaches, away from tourIst crowds. Snorkel In La VIla JoIosa. 3. Go to the port In the afternoon, after a walk along the promenade, and see how the fIshIng boats arrIve . 4. Go to the Lonja and see how the fIsh brought to the port are auctIoned. 5. VIsIt VIlero chocolate factorIes, the chocolate museum and then have Chocolate wIth Churros In a chocolate shop. 6. Go hIkIng along the coast to Torre del AguIlo, for example, and see the AlIcante coastal landscape as you have never seen It before. 7. See the FESTVM AlonIs and lIve the Roman lIfe. Property Reference AB1005 VIewIng Please contact us on 01527 598 598 If you wIsh to arrange a vIewIng appoIntment for thIs property, or requIre further InformatIon. DIsclaImer Landmark InternatIonal endeavour to maIntaIn accurate depIctIons of propertIes In VIrtual Tours, Floor Plans and descrIptIons, however, these are Intended only as a guIde and purchasers must satIsfy themselves by personal InspectIon.