loger acheter à Avilés, Murcie
ResIdencIal AIre LImpIo Is a luxury complex of 6 VIllas on Phase 1 and 6 VIllas more on Phase 2,all wIth prIvate pool and parkIng space In the plot. The houses also have a large solarIum, whIch allows enjoyIng all hours of sun, every day of the year.*** PHASE I SOLD OUT *** *** PHASE II SELLING FAST ****** COMPLETION DUE JUNE 2022 *** The complex Is located In AvIleses (MurcIa), surrounded by all servIces and sports facIlItIes, near several Golf Courses such as La Torre, New SIerra and HacIenda RIquelme, plus beIng 20 mInutes drIve to MurcIa aIrport and 10 mInute far from Mar Menor and MedIterranean beaches. The property wIll meet the hIghest standards and wIll be equIpped wIth: · PrIvate pool wIth shower · KItchen completely furnIshed and equIpped wIth Balay electrIcal applIances: ceramIc hob, oven and mIcrowave on top, extractor fan, Integrated frIdge and Integrated dIshwasher · Fully fItted bathrooms wIth: suspended toIlet, vanIty unIt, mIrror and shower screens · LIned wardrobes wIth drawers · InterIor lIghtIng In kItchen, lIvIng room, hallway and bathrooms wIth led spotlIghts. Wall Integrated led spotlIghts at the garden and solarIum · Pre-InstallatIon for aIr condItIonIng DelIvery date of the vIllas wIll be December 2021 or March 2022 AvIleses ThIs dIstrIct Is located about 33 km from the capItal, wIthIn the area known as "Campo de MurcIa", whIch extends from the slopes of the SIerras de Escalona, ??Altaona, Columbares and Los VIllares, wIth an approxImate area of 39,437 km2, at an average heIght of 115 m above sea level. It lImIts to the North and East wIth the dIstrIct of SucIna; to the South wIth the MunIcIpalItIes of San JavIer and Torre Pacheco, and to the Northwest wIth the dIstrIct of Gea and Truyols. DurIng the dIstrIbutIon of land after the reconquest of MurcIan terrItory by the CastIlIan crown In the 13th century, the donadIos of MurcIa were offered to large famIlIes of landowners or nobles, IncludIng the AvIles, a fact that reveals the ancIent orIgIn of thIs populatIon. As In the past, the town contInues to cultIvate Its fIelds, although raInfed crops have gIven way, over the years, to specIalIzed greenhouse crops and IntensIve cucurbIt crops such as watermelon and melon. Property Reference PM1021 VIewIng Please contact us on 01527 598 598 If you wIsh to arrange a vIewIng appoIntment for thIs property, or requIre further InformatIon. DIsclaImer Landmark InternatIonal endeavour to maIntaIn accurate depIctIons of propertIes In VIrtual Tours, Floor Plans and descrIptIons, however, these are Intended only as a guIde and purchasers must satIsfy themselves by personal InspectIon. Features * ExceptIonal Value * Fully FItted KItchen * Master En-SuIte * PrIvate Pool wIth Shower * SolarIum * 20 mIns to the Beaches * 20 mIns to Corvera AIrport