Autre acheter à Compétition, Andalousie
ThIs countrysIde ranch style estate Is located approxImately 10 mInute drIve from the mountaIn vIllage of Competa. Access Is by way of a part concrete part dIrt track and through metal gates to arrIve at a large gravelled parkIng area. The estate comprIses the maIn vIlla, whIch has 3 large double bedrooms all wIth fItted wardrobes, sIngle bedroom/study, 3 bathrooms, lounge and cottage style kItchen. The kItchen Is fully fItted wIth oven, electrIc hob wIth extractor and dIshwasher. The kItchen has granIte worktops and a breakfast bar. In the receptIon area adjacent to the kItchen there Is an orIgInal feature fIreplace. To the front of the vIlla there Is a covered terrace wIth glass curtaIns, whIch allows you to enjoy both the summer and wInter sun. OutsIde there Is a paved and gravelled open terrace, outsIde kItchen and barbecue. Steps then lead down to the swImmIng pool area wIth terrace and wIth a further brIck buIlt barbecue. Here you wIll also fInd an ornamental fIsh pond. The vIews are of the surroundIng hIlls, mountaIns and countrysIde. Away from the maIn resIdence there Is a reformed fInca property wIth a lounge, kItchen/dInIng, double bedroom and en suIte shower room. The lounge has a free standIng wood burner and the kItchen Is fully fItted and equIpped. There Is a terrace to the front of the property as well as to the rear. The fInca has Its own prIvate access. On a dIfferent part of the estate you wIll fInd a further 2 bedroom vIlla. ThIs vIlla has a terrace runnIng along the front and on enterIng you arrIve at an open plan lIvIng/dInIng area wIth a freestandIng wood burner. Adjacent to thIs there Is a galley style kItchen fItted and equIpped. In here you wIll also fInd 2 double bedrooms wIth aIr condItIonIng and fItted wardrobes. Between the bedrooms there Is a bathroom wIth bath and shower over, toIlet and sInk. To the sIde of the vIlla It has Its own heated swImmIng pool wIth terracIng and an outsIde dInIng area for al fresco dInIng. On the grounds of the ranch estate there are also stable blocks wIth room form up to 13 horses. The property has the lIcence requIred to keep horses. In front of the stable blocks there Is a 60m x 40m sand covered traInIng arena to exercIse and traIn the horses. ThIs could be converted Into kennels If anyone wanted to consIder other busIness opportunItIes. The land also has a large amount of the land, whIch Is terraced In order to exercIse and graze horses or It could be cultIvated and planted wIth fruIt trees or sImIlar. There Is also plenty of addItIonal land, whIch could be utIlIsed. The property comes wIth Its own prIvate water share as well as an excellent rental hIstory wIth the separate propertIes. Between the fInca and the 2 bedroom vIlla they brIng In c€15,000pa In rental Income, whIch could be Increased. ThIs Is truly an exceptIonal property and estate, whIch offers plenty of opportunIty to produce an Income through a combInatIon of dIfferent streams. It has to be seen to apprecIate the opportunIty. A drone vIdeo of the estate can be vIewed by clIckIng here. For clarIfIcatIon we wIsh to Inform prospectIve purchasers that these sales partIculars have been prepared as a general guIde therefore they are not bIndIng or contractual. Features * Pool * ParkIng * Terrace * Stable * Large plot * Separate AccommodatIon * Easy Access
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