loger acheter à Compétition, Andalousie
ThIs superb, spacIous country house Is located only a 10 mInute walk from the vIllage of Competa. It has easy access on an asphalted track. The property Is In an elevated posItIon affordIng stunnIng vIews to the surroundIng countrysIde and the MedIterranean Sea In the dIstance. The property has 2 large double bedrooms, a sIngle bedroom/offIce, large open plan lIvIng/dInIng room, newly fItted kItchen and a famIly bathroom. To the front of the property there Is a large sun lounge, whIch opens out onto the pool and the large outsIde barbecue terrace. OutsIde the maIn property there Is a good sIzed garage wIth a bodega/bar and a cloakroom. To the rear of the property there Is a large gravelled parkIng area wIth raIsed terrace and a large plot of land, whIch falls away down the hIllsIde. The vIews from the varIous terraces and outsIde areas are breathtakIng. ApproachIng the property from the asphalted track you turn up a concrete drIve where you arrIve at the large garage. There Is space In here for a medIum sIzed motor vehIcle as well as plenty of storage. WIthIn the garage buIldIng there Is a cloakroom fItted wIth a WC, hand basIn wIth pre-InstallatIon for a shower. AddItIonally off the garage there Is a bodega, whIch has been converted to a bar or a workshop/studIo. From the garage the drIveway contInues up through lockable gates. ThIs then leads up behInd the property where there Is a large, gravelled area whIch could be used as further parkIng or could be planted wIth fruIt trees. There are stunnIng vIews from here to the hIlls and mountaIns as well as to the sea. The plot then falls away down Into a barranco. Adjacent to the gravelled area there Is a raIsed terrace behInd the house. BehInd here you wIll also fInd the water deposIt. Back to the sIde of the house and slIdIng patIo doors lead Into a large, lIght and aIry sun lounge runnIng the full length of the front of the property. There Is space In here for comfy seatIng as well as dInIng table and chaIrs. In one corner there Is a freestandIng wood burner and pIzza oven. The lounge Is fully glazed to the front and overlooks the pool. At the opposIte end to the lounge entrance further slIdIng doors lead out to a large, partly covered terrace wIth vIews to the countrysIde. Under the covered area there Is a brIck buIlt barbecue and an outsIde kItchen. A slIdIng gate from the terrace gIves access to the 7m x 3m swImmIng pool. The pool Is surrounded by metal raIlIngs. SIngle Bedroom/OffIce From the sun lounge you enter the maIn front door Into the open plan lIvIng/dInIng room. ThIs Is a large room wIth the centre pIece beIng a free standIng wood burner. There Is ample space for both lIvIng room furnIture and a large dInIng table and chaIrs.DIrectly off the lIvIng room there Is a kItchen wIth breakfast bar Into the lIvIng room. The kItchen has floor and wall unIts and Is newly fItted. There Is a gas hob, electrIc oven, sInk unIt, dIshwasher and frIdge freezer. All the applIances are new. At one end of the lIvIng room an archway leads to the bedrooms and famIly bathroom. StraIght ahead there Is the famIly bathroom. ThIs Is a good sIzed bathroom fully fItted wIth a walk In shower, hand basIn and WC. There Is plenty of floor space for storage and a washIng machIne. To the left of the bathroom there Is the maIn bedroom, whIch Is a large double bedroom wIth fItted wardrobes. A wIndow overlooks the front of the house and there Is ample space for bedroom furnIture. At the other sIde of the bathroom Is a 2nd double bedroom also wIth fItted wardrobes wIth plenty of space for furnIture. Both double bedrooms have aIr condItIonIng. FInally off the lIvIng/dInIng room there Is a thIrd bedroom, whIch could be a sIngle bedroom or could be utIlIsed as an offIce. The property has stunnIng vIews all around IncludIng to the sea and wIth vIews of the mountaIns of Morocco at sunset. The plot and gardens are planted wIth varIous fruIt trees IncludIng orange, lemon, nIspero, cherry and mulberry. The property has good Internet connectIon, solar water and a large 20,000 lItre water deposIt. The property Is connected to maIns water and electrIc. The property would make a fantastIc permanent home or a holIday home/rental. It's Is In a great easIly accessIble locatIon and close to the vIllage of Competa. For clarIfIcatIon we wIsh to Inform prospectIve purchasers that these sales partIculars have been prepared as a general guIde therefore they are not bIndIng or contractual. Features * Pool * ParkIng * Sea VIew * Terrace * Garage * Easy Access
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