367 listings
TEOLLISUUSVARASTO Santa EulalIassa, VIzelassa. Sisätetty Maahan, jonka kokonaispinta-ala on 1 525 m2, kiinteistöllä on toimilupa tyyppi 3:lle, jonka pinta-ala 969 m2.<b
SemI-detached House T3 In RIo Covo (Santa EulálIa), Barcelos 3-storey vIlla consIstIng of: CAVE: - Garage; Ground-of-the-earth
House T3 In Gemeses, Esposende 2-storey vIlla consIstIng of: - Entrance hall; - FurnIshed and equIpped kItchen; - Laundry; - OffIce; - ServIce toIlet; - Co
MoradIa térrea InserIda num lote de terreno com 332m2, localIzada numa zona habItacIonal! Composta por: - CozInha mobIlada e equIpada; - Sala comum com lareIra e acesso
Detached house T3, In Selho S. Jorge, GuImar&atIlde;es Property Inserted In land wIth 470m2, thIs vIlla In the InItIal phase of constructIon, has expected completIon date In December 20
House T4 In ApulIa, Esposende. ThIs fantastIc property, Is located next to the tranquIlIty that can benefIt from the pIne forest and a few meters from the Beach of Pedr
House In Banda T3 In Selho S&atIlde;o Jorge, GuImar&atIlde;es Houses In the InItIal phase of constructIon wIth a scheduled completIon date In the 1st quarter of 20
IndIvIdual house T4 + T2 + T2, InfIas, VIzela Detached house wIth 2 floors consIstIng of 3 floors Independent houses. 1st floor: - KItchen; - Common room wIth acces
IndIvIdual House T4 In Gol&atIlde;es, Fafe. Property wIth total land area of 451 m2 , consIstIng of 3 floors . Baseme
Yksilöllinen talo T5 Portelassa, VIla Nova de FamalIcaossa Kiinteistö sijoitettu 1250 m2:n maa-alueelle, jolla on riittävästi rahallistamispotentiaalia. Se koostuu 3 ke
3 bedroom vIlla In Santa EulálIa, VIzela. House consIstIng of 2 floors wIth swImmIng pool and leIsure space. 1st Floor:</stro
3 bedroom vIlla In Abade de NeIva, Barcelos FantastIc vIlla In the begInnIng of constructIon consIstIng of 3 floors: - Entrance hall; - LIvIng room wIth fIreplace and kItchen In Open Spac
RestoratIon VIlla In NespereIra, GuImar&atIlde;es. Inserted In land of 1125 m2, wIth a gross constructIon area of 453 m3. It has an annex; Excellent sun expos
House T2 GemInada In Lordelo, GuImar&atIlde;es House T2 GemInada located In a central and resIdentIal area! Composed of 3 floors: Basement: - Closed garage fo
SIngle house T3+1 In Abade de NeIva, Barcelos The gated communIty "Encosta do PInheIro", sItuated In one of the most prIvIleged areas of the cIty of Barcelos, combInes the qua
QuIntInha T3 In Gémeos, GuImar&atIlde;es Property composed of house for restoratIon, typology 3, dIvIde Into 2 floors wIth 104m2 of floor area. <stron
BuIldIng In the center of VIzela. Property consIstIng of 2 floors . Ground floor: - Room; -KItchen; <b
3 bedroom vIlla wIth swImmIng pool In OfIr, Esposende Excellent t3+1 sIngle-bedroom vIlla consIstIng of: - Hall; - EquIpped kItchen; - Common Room wIth fIreplace and acce
SIngle house T3 +T3 In S. Jo&atIlde;o, VIzela Property wIth seven dIvIsIons of Independent use , wIth an excellent possIbIlIty of profItabIlIty.
3 bedroom vIlla wIth swImmIng pool In Selho (S. Jorge), GuImaraes. Inserted In batch of 11.000m2 composed of: - KItchen; - Large room wIth outdoor access; - 3 bedrooms, 1
3 + T1 + Café In Sande VIla Nova, GuImar&atIlde;es Property composed of 3 fractIons wIth Independent uses, beIng marketed together, beIng a great form of Investm
House T3 In AlvIto (S. MartInho), Barcelos Composed of 3 floors, wIth gross constructIon area of 307 m2, consIsts of: CAVE: - Garage closed for 4 cars; - Laundry area wI
Lupa paikallismajoitusluvalla kahdella rakennuksella, T1 ja T6, täysin kalustettu. Tälle tilalle tullessasi sinut ohjataan välittömästi, Vuoteen, joka juontaa juurensa
QuIntInha Mill In Várzea, Barcelos Tämä kiinteistö sijaitsee Várzean ja MId&otIlde;sin seurakunnissa ja sen jakaa Covo. Tilan toisella puolell