Muu osta in Bergerac, Nouvelle-Aquitaine
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Koe paras kansainvälinen kiinteistömarkkinointi asunto- ja liikekiinteistöille. Valitse ostaa tai vuokrata osoitteessa Selaa kattavaa luetteloa maailmanlaajuisista asunto- ja liiketiloista, jotka ovat myynnissä ja vuokrattavissa.
Saatat olla kiinnostunut:
Vineyard Estate Vineyard estate producing award-winning wine on an exceptional terroir producing 250,000 bottles per year of the Bergerac and Monbazillac appellation. Over 110 hectares of land
Vineyard estate producing award-winning wine a vineyard estate on an exceptional terroir producing 250,000 bottles per year of the bergerac and monbazillac appellation. Over 110 hectares of lan
The Domaine La Grande Maison is located, on a hill overlooking the banks of the Dordogne and the historic town of BergeraC. This family estate of about 20 hectares, including about 14 hectares of P

Between Bergerac and Saint Emilion, a very beautiful real estate complex whose origins date back to the 18th century. Private part of 230 M2 with beautiful kitchen, double living room, office and bath
Exceptional opportunity in Bergerac! Ideal building for seniors residence 2180 m2 in the heart of the city Looking for a profitable and high-potential real estate project? This building in the

Just 15 minutes from Bergerac, this 17-hectare wine estate, with 13 hectares in production, presents a fantastic opportunity for wine enthusiasts. The vineyard consists of 2.45 hectares of white gra