Toimisto vuokra paikassa Baclaran Paranaque
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Saatat olla kiinnostunut:
THE CENTRIUM The Centrium is a two-tower, 12-story LEED Pre-certified Gold structure, equipped with top-of-the-line and energy-efficient features, such as curtain walls and windows made of double-glaz

A premium project of Sinocan Realty Inc. in Aseana Business Park in the Bay City in Paranaque, Sinocan Corporate Center is a 15-story office/commercial building with total leasable space of 15,491 sqm
A premium project of Sinocan Realty Inc. in Aseana Business Park in the Bay City in Paranaque, Sinocan Corporate Center is a 15-story office/commercial building with total leasable space of 15,491 sqm
A premium project of Sinocan Realty Inc. in Aseana Business Park in the Bay City in Paranaque, Sinocan Corporate Center is a 15-story office/commercial building with total leasable space of 15,491 sqm
A premium project of Sinocan Realty Inc. in Aseana Business Park in the Bay City in Paranaque, Sinocan Corporate Center is a 15-story office/commercial building with total leasable space of 15,491 sqm
This 138.70 sqm retail space for Lease is located at Lot 9, Block 5, near corner of Bradco Avenue and Macapagal Blvd., Aseana City, Paranaque City