Jälleenmyynti vuokra paikassa Batino Laguna
Sijaitsee noin 45 km etelään Makatista ja 30 km etelään Alabangista, Brgy. Batino Calambassa, Lagunassa, on vilkas teollisuusalue, jossa on lukuisia tunnettujen merkkien tehtaita ja tuotantolaitoksia. Tämä vuokrattava liiketila sijaitsee Bicutan Driven varrella, 1,03 km:n päässä Canlubangin liittymästä ja 1,4 km:n päässä South Luzon Expresswayn Batino-liittymästä. Jokaisessa yksikössä on oma wc.
Saatat olla kiinnostunut:
Located approximately 45 km south of Makati and 30 km south of Alabang, Brgy. Batino in Calamba, Laguna, is a vibrant industrial estate home to numerous factories and manufacturing facilities of well-
Located approximately 45 km south of Makati and 30 km south of Alabang, Brgy. Batino in Calamba, Laguna, is a vibrant industrial estate home to numerous factories and manufacturing facilities of well-
Located approximately 45 km south of Makati and 30 km south of Alabang, Brgy. Batino in Calamba, Laguna, is a vibrant industrial estate home to numerous factories and manufacturing facilities of well-
Located approximately 45 km south of Makati and 30 km south of Alabang, Brgy. Batino in Calamba, Laguna, is a vibrant industrial estate home to numerous factories and manufacturing facilities of well-
Located approximately 45 km south of Makati and 30 km south of Alabang, Brgy. Batino in Calamba, Laguna, is a vibrant industrial estate home to numerous factories and manufacturing facilities of well-