Toimisto vuokra paikassa Camputhaw Cebu
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Saatat olla kiinnostunut:
A project of Ayala Land subsidiary Alveo Land, BPI Cebu Corporate Center is a Grade A office condominium in the bustling Cebu Business Park in downtown Cebu City. Mere meters away from Ayala Center Ce
A project of Ayala Land subsidiary Alveo Land, BPI Cebu Corporate Center is a Grade A office condominium in the bustling Cebu Business Park in downtown Cebu City. Mere meters away from Ayala Center Ce
A project of Ayala Land subsidiary Alveo Land, BPI Cebu Corporate Center is a Grade A office condominium in the bustling Cebu Business Park in downtown Cebu City. Mere meters away from Ayala Center Ce
A project of Ayala Land subsidiary Alveo Land, BPI Cebu Corporate Center is a Grade A office condominium in the bustling Cebu Business Park in downtown Cebu City. Mere meters away from Ayala Center Ce

Grade A, LEED-Certified office building with Ground floor Retail. 70% Double-Glazed Glass Fa?ade. 18 Storeys ( 11 storey for office, 6 storey for parking). 168 Offices for sale, 232 Parking slot for s

Grade A, LEED-Certified office building with Ground floor Retail. 70% Double-Glazed Glass Facade. 18 Storeys ( 11 storey for office, 6 storey for parking). 168 Offices for sale, 232 Parking slot for s