Maa osta in Agia Marinouda, Pafos
Land at the village of Episcopi Paphou. The land falls within 44% as residential zone H3, with building density 60% and coverage ratio of 35%. The 56% applies to agricultural zone with 10% building density and 10% coverage ratio. It has a regular shape and it abuts on the fascade side with a registered road. The land enjoys unobstructed and panoramic views. ?????? ???? ?????? ??? ????? ???????? ?????. ?? 44% ??? ??? ???????? ?? ????????? ????,?? 60% ?????????? ??????? ??? 35% ??????. ?? 56% ????? ???????? ???? ?? 10% ?????? ??? 10% ??????. ???? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ?? ??????????? ????? ???? ??????? ??? ????????. Property Details * For Sale * Property Type: Land * Property Subtype: Residential, Agricultural * Location: Paphos, Episcopi, Cyprus * Internal Area: 6391sqm * Price: €120,000 * VAT: N/A * Loan Installment: €588 If you wish to borrow from a bank, please find above indication of the loan installment with the assumptions used below. Loan Installment Calculations: Assumptions: Closing Price: €120,000 Own Contribution (30%): €36,000 Loan Amount (70%): €84,000 Interest rate: 3.2% Years of repayment: 15 years