Osakehuoneisto osta in Osdorf, Brandenburg
Tämä 1 makuuhuoneen asunto, jota on jatkuvasti modernisoitu viimeisen 10 vuoden aikana, Sijaitsee täysin remontoidun, vuonna 1968 rakennetun kerrostalon ensimmäisessä kerroksessa. Asunnossa on käytännöllinen pohjaratkaisu, on muuttovalmis ja voi asua vuokrata heti. Kutsuvan valoisalta OLO-makuuhuoneelta pääsee 4 m2:n parvekkeelle, jossa voi nauttia auringosta lähes koko päivän, sillä se on etelään päin. Pieni, erillinen keittiö on hiljattain remontoitu ja varustettu punaisella, korkeakiiltoisella keittiöllä. Käytännössä leikatussa kylpyhuoneessa on suihku. Noin. 38m2 asunto on ollut loma-asuntona viime vuosina ja myydään kalustettuna. Asunnossa on lukittava kellariosasto ja autopaikka pihalla. Ole rohkeasti yhteydessä, jos kiinnostuksesi on herännyt .
Saatat olla kiinnostunut:
The building, planned around 1910 by the architect Hermann Buchholz, was created as part of the former "Albrechts-Park residential complex", which was arranged in a U-shape around a small private road
The building, planned around 1910 by the architect Hermann Buchholz, was created as part of the former "Albrechts-Park residential complex", which was arranged in a U-shape around a small private road
2 Bedroom Apartment in Steglitz The property was built in 1907 and the exterior of the building is light and aesthetically pleasing, the facade is decorated with breathtaking details. Each balc
The building, planned around 1910 by the architect Hermann Buchholz, was created as part of the former "Albrechts-Park residential complex", which was arranged in a U-shape around a small private road
The building, planned around 1910 by the architect Hermann Buchholz, was created as part of the former "Albrechts-Park residential complex", which was arranged in a U-shape around a small private road
The building, planned around 1910 by the architect Hermann Buchholz, was created as part of the former "Albrechts-Park residential complex", which was arranged in a U-shape around a small private road