Maa osta in Cartecay, Georgia
Sijoittajat huomioivat 62 eekkeriä! 22 Gilmer County hyväksyi tontin, joihin mahtuu 30 erää. Perustettu maanalainen sähkövoima, olemassa oleva yhteisön kaivo/vesi hyväksytyille tonteille, päällystetyt tiet koko yhteisössä paikallaan. 11 Mountaintown Creekfront -tonttia ja 5 tontia Gunstock Creekillä, loput tontit ovat vuoristomaisemat. Yhteinen alue katsella paljon päästä Mountaintown Creek. Kaikki jalkatyöt on tehty. Viite: 37058-53291593
Saatat olla kiinnostunut:
NEVER BEEN ON THE MARKET BEFORE! This property has EVERYTHING to offer. There are views from every inch of this untouched property. Located in the ASKA ADVENTURE AREA. Tracts like this are rare. Ther
Gorgeous lots- first time on market. Year round, long range views of the mountains in the BIG CREEK area. This large lot offers privacy and there are two additional lots for sale also. Tons of outdoo
Gorgeous lots- first time on market. Year round, long range views of the mountains in the BIG CREEK area. This large lot offers privacy and there are two additional lots for sale also. Tons of outdoo
Gorgeous lots- first time on market. Year round, long range views of the mountains in the BIG CREEK area. This large lot offers privacy and there are two additional lots for sale also. Tons of outdoo