35 listings
The property is an agricultural field in Avgorou. It is located on the main road Avgorou - Xylofagou and 1,7km from the community's center. The field has an area of 33,484sqm. The property is very c
✔Location: Xylofagou ✔Agricultural Zone ✔Area: 4,832 sqm (1/2 share owned by Themis 2,416sqm) ✔Planning Zone: Γ ✔No distribution agreement The property is owned by Themis Portfolio Management H
✔Ubicación: Avgororou ✔Campo residencial ✔Superficie: 11.012 (33% de participación en propiedad 3.671m²) ✔Zona de planificación: Κα6 La propiedad es propiedad de Themis Portfolio Management Ho
The property concerns two residential fields in Xylofagou. The field with parcel number 216 is 83% share and Gordian's share corresponds approximately to a land area of 3,090 sqm and the field with pa
✔Location: Avgorou ✔nature Protection Zone ✔Area 10,860 sqm ✔Planning Zone: Ζ1
• Located in Avgorou, Famagusta • Total Area: 6655m² • Shape: Irregular • Planning Zone: Κα6 • Building Density: 90% • Coverage coefficient: 50% • Floors: 2 • Height: 10 metres • Landlocked
✔Location: Xylofagou ✔Nature Protection Zone ✔Area: 50% share of 5681 m2 ✔Planning zone: Ζ1 The property is owned by Themis Portfolio Management Holdings Limited. The asset was acquired by
✔Location: Xylofagou ✔Nature Protection Zone, Agricultural Zone ✔Area: 6.559m2 ✔Planning Zone: Z1 The property is owned by Themis Portfolio Management Holdings Limited. The asset was acquired
The asset is a residential field in Avgorou located 1km from Avgorou village centre. The asset has a total area of 6,655sqm and benefits from a large frontage onto an under registration road while it
✔Location: Xylofagou, Larnaca ✔Agricultural zone ✔Area: 16,265 sqm ✔Planning zone: Γα2 The property is owned by Themis Portfolio Management Holdings Limited.
The asset is a 80% share of a field in Avgorou. It is located 15m from the main road Avgorou - Dasaki Achnas, 1,2km from Avgorou and 800m from Avgorou Technical School. It has a total area of 8,802sqm
✔Location: Xylofagou, Larnaca ✔Residential Zone ✔Area: 1,213 sqm ✔Planning Zone: Κα6 ✔Building density: 90% The property is owned by Themis Portfolio Management Holdings Limited.
Agricultural field in LiopetriΙt approx. 110m north of the Xylofagou-Liopetri main road and approx. 2.7km north of the Larnaka - Ammochostos motorway. The immediate area is characterized mainly by cul
✔Location: Xylofagou ✔Residential Zone ✔Area: 6,016 sqm ✔Planning Zone: Η2 ,Η3 ✔Building density: 60% , 90% ✔50metres from a registered road The property is owned by Themis Portfolio Managemen
✔Location: Xylofagou ✔Residential Zone ✔Area 1,625sqm (2/3 share of 2,438sqm) ✔Planning Zone:H2 The property is owned by Themis Portfolio Management Holdings Limited. The asset was acqui
✔Location: Avgorou ✔Agricultural Zone ✔Area: 12,427qm ✔Planning Zone: Γ1 ✔Landlocked The property is owned by Themis Portfolio Management Holdings Limited.
✔Location: Xylofagou ✔Nature Protection Zone ✔ Area 2,526sqm ✔Planning Zone:Ζ1 The property is owned by Themis Portfolio Management Holdings Limited. The asset was acquired by Themis Port
The asset consists of 3 adjacent fields in Avgorou. They are located 1km from the community's center. As a single unit, the field has an area of 46,038sqm and abuts onto a registered road along its so
A 50% share, approximately 5,854 sq.m., of a Livestock field of a total of 11,708 sq.m. located in Avgorou, Ammochostos. The field has flat surface and is located 200m from the registered ro
Terreno en venta en Xylofagou - Larnaca.Zona de planificación - ??2 (agrícola), densidad de construcción - 6%, área cubierta - 6%, pisos - 2, altura - 7m.El área total del terreno es de 3 800 m2 .El t
Land for sale in Xylofagou - Larnaca.Planning zone - Κα8 (residential), building density - 60%, covered area - 35%, floors - 2, height - 10m.The total area of the land is 2 828 sq.m.The title deed is