Condominio for Køb i Obidim, Blagóevgrad
32км от ски курорта Банско, на 22км от Добринище и на 25км от Гоце Делчев. В близост до селото има 13 църкви и параклиси, и един манастир, както и други културни и исторически забележителности. В селото има кафене, кметство и други удобства. Разположено е на 1200м надморска височина на хълм в южната част на Пирин планина. През лятото е по - прохладно, а зимите са меки. Пътят до самото село е заобиколен от спиращи дъха панорамни гледки. A country house on one floor with a large plot of land is for sale in the picturesque and mountainous village of Obidim. The house is old and needs to be completed and repaired. There is electricity and water, a septic tank needs to be built. The yard space is extensive and in a very sunny location. The village is quiet and secluded, and lends itself to permanent living for people who value fresh air. The property is also suitable for the construction of a prefabricated building, there is also space for the construction of a barbecue and a wonderful summer garden. It is located 32 km from the ski resort of Bansko, 22 km from Dobrinishte and 25 km from Gotse Delchev. In the vicinity of the village there are 13 churches and chapels, and a monastery, as well as other cultural and historical attractions. The village has a cafe, town hall and other amenities. It is located at 1200m above sea level on a hill in the southern part of Pirin mountain. Summers are cooler and winters are mild. The road to the village itself is surrounded by breathtaking panoramic views. Характеристики * В/Близо до гора * Гледка - открита * Селски имот * Камък * Незавършена постройка * Необходимо е преустройство * Необзаведен * Необходимо е преустройство * Незавършен * Необходимо е обновяване * Необходимо е преустройство * Стара сграда * За ремонт