Tierra for Køb i borovo, Ardid
BuIldIng plot of LAND In a nIce vIllage, 30 km to Ruse IBG Real Estates Is pleased to offer for sale thIs plot of land wIth sIze of 2520 sq.m., located In the vIllage of Gorno Ablanovo, whIch Is 30 mInutes drIvIng to Ruse. The vIllage has several shops, local pub, post offIce and regular bus servIces to the surroundIngs towns and vIllages. The area Is suItable for fIshIng, walkIng and pIcnIcs by the rIver. Horse rIdIng and huntIng are very popular too. There are few propertIes owned by BrItIsh people In the vIllage, and many In the area. The plot of land Is leveled and suItable for buIldIng a house and makIng a garden wIth swImmIng pool etc. The property has 63 fruIt trees and Itrsquo;s wIth access to asphalt road. ElectrIcIty and the water could be easIly added to the maIns.br