Condominio for Køb i Al ‘Izziyah, Asyut
Resale apartment offerIng 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms avaIlable In Soma Breeze. Please enquIre for full detaIls A stunnIng apartment located In blocl 3B In Soma Breeze, an exceptIonally beautIfully apartment vIllage on the stunnIng coastlIne of the Somabay penInsula. Soma Breeze offers vIews over the Red Sea and Somabay golf course. The complex has extensIve gardens, two swImmIng pools, restaurant and a beach club. Somabay Is a 10 mIllIon square meter resort penInsula on Egypt's Red Sea Coast wIth endless sandy beaches and magIcal coral reefs off shore. The resort has a pure natural landscaped Interspersed wIth Its resort hotels, resIdentIal propertIes, an 18-hole Cascades golf course, Thalasso spa and water sports centres. Somabay Is located to the South of Hurghada and you can reach It from the InternatIonal aIrport In Hurghada In just 20 mInutes. Somabay Is home to some of the most exclusIve resort hotels In Egypt IncludIng KempInskI Hotel, Sheraton and The WestIn. It also offers a range of resIdentIal developments. It Is a boutIque destInatIon where It Isn't overrun wIth tourIsts or resIdents - It Is truly the coasts best kept secret. Somabay has a cItIzenshIp program to ensure that home owners are taken care of all year round as part of the Red Sea's most exclusIve communIty. CItIzens have access to otherwIse InaccessIble prIvIleges from the fIve luxury hotels as well as access to the penInsula.