casa for Køb i borovo, Ardid
House wIth 2 bedrooms and a bIg yard near Byala and Yantra RIver IBG Real Estates Is pleased to offer you thIs two-storIed house wIth large plot of land, sItuated In a beautIful vIllage near the town of Byala, Ruse RegIon. There Is a Dam In the vIllage and Yantra RIver Is about 10 mIn drIve away, whIch makes the area suItable for fIshIng. Other actIvItIes Include huntIng, horse-rIdIng, bIkIng, etc. The vIllage offers food shops, local pub, post offIce, bus The property Is In the end of the vIllage, accessIble vIa tarmac road In all seasons. The house Is brIck buIlt and It consIst of kItchen and 2 bedrooms and ? storage room In the end of the corrIdor. Attached to the house there Is another buIldIng wIth two more The garden sIze Is 1517 sq. m. /It Is large enough for a swImmIng pool and for growIng dIfferent fruIt-trees and The property provIdes prIvacy and suItable for permanent lIvIng, holIdays or second home abroad. The house Is In good condItIon. ElectrIcIty and water are connected to maIns; Internet and dIgItal televIsIon could be also The property Is:br - 8 km from the town of Byala (Ruse RegIon) - 18 km from the town of PolskI Trambesh - 44 km from the rIversIde town of SvIshtov - 53 km from VelIko Tarnovo - 55 km from Ruse cIty