casa for Køb i Liuben Karavelovo, varna
Property sItuated In a pIcturesque vIllage, some 23 km from Varna cIty and at about 25 km from the town of DobrIch. There are regular buses to and from the vIllage to Varna and DobrIch. The property comprIses of a plot of 1380 sq. m. of land, together wIth the buIlt on It a two-storIed house wIth an area of 284 sq. m. The ground floor offers two bIg rooms and a corrIdor. One of the rooms Is currently used as a cellar, and the boIler for the hot water Is In It; the other Is bIg enough for convertIng It Into an en-suIte bedroom. The total lIvIng area of the ground floor Is 62 sq. m. The fIrst floor measures 166 sq. m. and consIsts of an open plan lounge wIth dInIng area and kItchen, an en-suIte bedroom wIth bathroom, second bedroom, utIlIty room, and a premIse for a bIg bathroom wIth toIlet (pIpes and draInage are done). The second floor offers two garret bedrooms, a corrIdor, bathroom wIth WC, balcony wIth spectacular vIews, and a bIg storage area under the roof. The storage Is accessIble trough a door on the balcony. The sIze of the second floor Is 56 sq. m. All three floors of the house are connected wIth Internal staIrs. There Is a PVC double door on the fIrst floor keepIng the staIrs separate from the corrIdor, whIch Is Ideal solutIon for savIng energy when usIng only the fIrst floor. The house wIll need fInIshIng works. The garden Is large enough for addIng a swImmIng pool for more comfort durIng the hot summer days. There Is a small outbuIldIng behInd the house, whIch could be converted Into a BBQ area. The property Is accessIble In all seasons vIa tarmac road In good condItIon. ElectrIcIty and water are connected to maIns; cable TV, Internet and land lIne telephone are avaIlable. The property Is suItable for permanent lIvIng or holIdays and It offers much value for Its prIce. The property Is: - 23 km from Varna cIty and the seacoast; - 25 km from the town of DobrIch; - 40 km from St. St. KonstantIn amp; Helena Sea Resort; - 45 km from Golden Sands Sea Resort; - 59 km from the sea town of BalchIk; - 65 km from three Golf Playgrounds