casa for Køb i Fabrica de Vallico, toscana
VERGEMOLI - [V0141,- In the old village of Vergemoli at approx 600m asl is a lovely village house with a private garden which offers fantastic views of the surounding mountains. Built on two levels the property comprises;\nGROUND FLOOR\n- Entrance into living room;\n- Kitchen;\n- Dining room;\nFIRST FLOOR\n-Double bedroom;\n-Single bedroom with small balcony;\n-Bathroom;\n-Room with a fireplace;\nThe property is for sale with a private back garden which offers breathtaking views of the mountains and another room which is being used as a cellar/storage. The village of Vergemoli is small with about 100 inhabitants who live there all year round although this peaceful area is ideal for holidays too.\nAn old saying goes ?Vergemoli ha le mura di menta, piange che esce, ride chi entra?. Vergemoli has walls made of mint, those who leave cry, those who enter laugh?.