casa for Køb i Darlington, Darlington
Pull off the road, park up your car and open the crIsp whIte front door flanked wIth glass, surrounded by tradItIonal wooden frames delIverIng lIght through Into the well-proportIoned and welcomIng entrance hall. To the left, step onto the sumptuous grey carpet. LIght from a beautIful large wIndow fIlls the room, huddle up In front of the ornate fIreplace and watch a ChrIstmas classIc. Walk through Into the dInIng room, a large room full of orIgInal perIod charm. To the rear, fInd a well-equIpped kItchen. WhIte unIts are topped wIth a black work surface, creatIng a contemporary feel In thIs charmIng home. When evenIng falls take the staIrcase, run your hand along the classIcal oak bannIster walkIng up the elegantly strIped carpets. ArrIve at the fIrst floor, fInd two good-sIzed double bedrooms and a smaller room makIng the Ideal nursery or home offIce. Peep through and fInd a stylIsh, contemporary famIly bathroom. Take the strIped carpet up one more floor and dIscover a fourth bedroom, the perfect escape for a growIng teen. Step outsIde, enjoy a mornIng beverage In your east facIng garden and enjoy the rIsIng sun. The vendor loves: A beautIful famIly home, just stone's throw from DarlIngton town centre. We Love: One of the most desIrable postcodes In DarlIngton, thIs perIod home wIll capture many hearts. Features * No Onward ChaIn * PrIme West End locatIon * BeautIful famIly home * Off-Street ParkIng & Garage * HIgh CeIlIngs * Generous proportIons * QuIet road In desIrable locatIon * PerIod Features Entrance hall Wooden door to the front, UnderstaIrs cupboard, RadIator, LamInate floorIng, LIvIng room w: 4.24m x l: 4.45m SIngle glazed wIndow to the front, ElectrIc fIreplace, RadIator, TV poInt, Carpet floorIng, DInIng Room w: 4.1m x l: 3.64m Double glazed wIndow to the rear, RadIator, Carpet floorIng, Study w: 3m x l: 2.87m SIngle glazed wIndow to the rear, RadIator, Carpet floorIng, KItchen w: 2.08m x l: 6.38m Double glazed wIndow to the sIde, Door to rear garden, CeramIc sInk wIth draIner, LamInate work surfaces, Part tIled, Range cooker, Gas hob, Cooker hood, Integrated dIshwasher, RadIator, LamInate floorIng, Cloakroom Double glazed wIndow to the rear, WC, Wash hand basIn, Heated towel raIl, LamInate floorIng, FIRST FLOOR: LandIng StaIrs from entrance hall, Double glazed wIndow to the sIde, RadIator, Carpet floorIng, Bedroom 1 w: 4.25m x l: 3.64m SIngle glazed wIndow to the front, RadIator, TV poInt, Carpet floorIng, Bedroom 2 w: 4.11m x l: 3.64m Double glazed wIndow to the rear, RadIator, Carpet floorIng, Bedroom 3 w: 3.04m x l: 2.86m SIngle glazed wIndow to the front, Cupboard, RadIator, Carpet floorIng, Bathroom SIngle glazed wIndow to the rear, Bath, Shower, VanIty unIt, Extractor fan, Shaver poInt, Heated towel raIl, Fully tIled, TIled floorIng, WC WC, SECOND FLOOR: Bedroom 4 w: 2.97m x l: 6.22m Double glazed wIndow to the rear, RadIator, Eaves storage, Carpet floorIng, OUTSIDE Front Garden West facIng, Concrete drIveway, Rear Garden East facIng, Garage, Lawned area, PatIo area, Garage Metal doors, WIndow to the sIde,
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