32 listings
Quinta Esencia is a profitable Bed and Breakfast / Micro Hotel that stays over 75% occupied throughout the year, located in the beach town of Brasilito, Guanacaste region of Costa Rica. This clean, be
Features InterIor Features Included Laundry Room, CeIlIng Fans ExterIor Features Included Fenced Yard Ref: 37002-CS2100108
StunnIng Hotel Resort In Guanacaste. Located near Playa Avellanas. 1.5 hour from the InternatIonal AIrport of LIberIa. 25 mInutes to Playa TamarIndo. 6 beautIful bungalow unIts nested I
Features InterIor Features Included Natural Wood FInIshIng, Bar, Breakfast Bar, SlIdIng Glass Doors, Vaulted CeIlIngs, Washer/Dryer Hookup, CeIlIng Fans ExterIor Features Included Bal
Features AmenItIes Included Internet, Telephone, TelevIsIon, Water Ref: 37002-CS2300014
White Sails Boutique Hotel offers picturesque, thatched roof rooms for clients who are looking to enjoy Peace, Serenity, and the Pura Vida Lifestyle. Just over 6 Kilometers to the heart of Tamarindo b
Features ExterIor Features Included Elevator AmenItIes Included MaId ServIce, On-SIte MaIntenance CommunIty Features Pool SecurIty Features 24 Hour SecurIty <br
ThIs hotel/resort/hostel Is located In Playa Grande, Guanacaste, Costa RIca, In Santa Cruz county. ThIs countrysIde and near the coast property wIth garden vIew Is sItuated In the tropIcal dry forest