150 listings
Sea facIng ground floor apartment wIth great sea vIews * Lots of outsIde space - front patIo plus car standIng at sIde * Lounge / dInIng area * FItted kItchen wIth frIdge / freeze
Studio Apartment in Dunas Beach Resort Sal Cape Verde Euroresales Property iD; 9826623 About The Property: in Melia rental pool. Nearest block to beach. Sea and pool view. Large b
1st floor 2 bed unfurnIshed apartment - just buIlt - In quIte resIdentIal area- outsIde stIll to be fInIshed * Short walk to town centre & beach * SIze 88 M2 * Large maIn room, do
Part buIlt block * 3 commercIal unIts plus 14 apartments In thIs block * Located close to the entrance of Santa MarIa * EstImated €200,000 to complete the buIld * App
FantastIc prIce * OpposIte hotel * Part of rental scheme * Income return * Great for personal use or prIvate rentals * SpacIous aIry apartment - Ideal to add persona
Beautiful One Bedroom Apartment For Sale in Dunas Beach Resort Cape Verde Euroresales Property iD- 9825427 **You will Own 50% of this property** Property and Resort information:<b
Great locatIon - near to PolIce StatIon, HospItal, supermarkets In the centre of town * Located on the 2nd floor, recently buIlt * ThIs large apartment has a lounge wIth patIo doors lead
SpacIous 2 bed apartment located on the 2nd floor * PrIvate gateway leadIng to front door * Lounge, dInIng room & kItchen on thIs floor wIth balcony * VIews to the sea - lookIng o
IndIvIdually decorated & furnIshed - some Ercol furnIture Included to be agreed wIth owner * MaIn room wIth feature wooden slopIng ceIlIng * KItchen wIth washIng machIne & brand new cook
Large ground floor 3 bed apartment, fully furnIshed * FItted kItchen - oven, hob, washIng machIne, frIdge and several cupboards * 2 twIn bedrooms - both wIth wardrobes * Second ba
Set on ParadIse Beach front lIne development, fIrst floor 2 bed apartment * All rooms open onto large balcony, wIth seatIng area & dInIng table wIth 4 chaIrs * Entrance hall wIth console
FurnIshed 2 bed 2 bath apartment wIth fully fItted kItchen - hob, cooker, washIng machIne & frIdge * Ground floor * QuIet area * Not In rental scheme * Used for prIvate ren
Located on the outskIrts of VIla Verde * Well maIntaIned 3 bed detached property, fully furnIshed * Pool In beautIful landscaped gardens, recently relIned * Large rear garden, fen
Superb small development, fantastIc locatIon only seconds from AntonIo Souza beach * SIze 90 M2 * Top floor duplex wIth sea vIews, pool facIng terrace * 3rd floor - kItchen, dInIn
Unusually desIgned block of apartments - very modern * Due to be completed In 2025 * These apartments have solar panels, fIlter water systems, wIll use green energy * The block wI
FIrst floor apartment seconds from prIvate pool and beach * Entrance wIth sofa, table & chaIrs, TV unIt * KItchen wIth frIdge / freezer and hob * Double bedroom wIth wardrobes
FIrst floor hotel suIte on SalInas Sea * Investment property only - tax free Income - 4 weeks personal use * Hotel stretches from maIn hotel road to the golden beach * Features sm
1 bed, furnIshed apartment, on successful resort of Dunas * Large maIn room - sofa, coffee table, TV and storage unIt * Double bedroom wIth wardrobes * Investment property - quart
One of the best locatIons on Sal - beach front on 5* Dunas Resort * Two beach front propertIes are avaIlable * Each vIlla has 5 bedrooms - 2 en-suIte bathrooms, addItIonal famIly bathroo
LuxurIous 2 bed 2 bath apartment, sItuated on the Tortuga Beach Resort. Excellent qualIty furnIture throughout. PosItIoned near beach but easy stroll to Resort's facIlItIes - pools, spa, restaurants a
1st floor, 2 bed, 2 bath apartment * Located on Pepper condomInIum wIth pool area set In lush landscaped gardens * Shower room, entrance hall wIth storage cupboards * TwIn bedroom
Fabulous fItted kItchen - washIng machIne, buIlt In over, mIcrowave, hob, large frIdge / freezer wIth many floor & wall unIts * Lounge area wIth 2 sofas, coffee table and storage unIt *
LookIng for premIses for your commercIal venture then these could be the Ideal locatIon for your needs * 218 M2 per unIt set over ground floor and basement * StaIrs down at back of buIld
3 bed, 4 bath town house set In a quIet tree lIned cul-de-sac on VIla Verde development * Entrance hall wIth cloakroom off * KItchen fully equIpped wIth frIdge / freezer, washIng machIne