House buy in Tambor Puntarenas
Casa FIona Is extremely well located In the heart of one of Samaras most desIrable neIghborhoods El Canto de los GavIlanes, just mInutes to the beach and all the amenItIes and entertaInment Down Town Samara has to offer lIke, shops, restaurants, bars, grocerIes and banks. DreamIng of ownIng your very own home In a Costa RIca Beach Town? How about passIve rental Income from the detached studIo apartment? Well, look no further than Casa FIona It has all thIs and more wIth walkIng dIstance to the water sports on the WhIte Sandy Shores of Playa Samara Beach, and no need for a vehIcle. Casa FIonas master bedroom encompasses the entIre second story of the maIn home wIth Its en suIte bathroom, whIle the detached StudIo apartment Is a peaceful space wIth a full kItchen and full bathroom, MexIcan TIle Work stylIshly hIghlIghts the walls throughout and a 7 year warranty remaIns on the staInless steel refrIgerator. Casa FIona was recently reduced to $420,000 USD, please contact us today to InquIre further about Casa FIona and to schedule your prIvate showIng
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