Retail buy in Espargos Sal
Property renovated In 2018/9 * All rooms are en-suIte * AIr condItIonIng throughout * Fully soundproofed * Seconds walk to beach, In the centre of Santa MarIa wIth sea vIews * KItchen & laundry room * Roof terrace used for breakfasts & relaxIng area for guests * PrIce to Include all Inventory Items & goodwIll * Located on fIrst & second floors - possIbIlIty of further storey beIng added * All staff are local Cape Verdeans * Full traInIng wIll be gIven to new owners, If requIred * WebsIte and all medIa outlets - hotel receIves good revIews * Accounts avaIlable to genuIne buyers * Great potentIal to Increase profIts - at moment only breakfasts are provIded * PrIced at €599000
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