Condominium buy in Chinipas Chihuahua
Description Terreno ubicado sobre la carretera Colima-Manzanillo km23, con una superficie de 7.8 hectareas. Ideal para desarrollos industriales o giros agricolas. Apto para naves industriales, almacenes, patios de contenedores, gasolineras, entre otros. Tiene acceso desde la autovia y tambien a traves de una entrada secundaria, lo que la hace ideal en caso de necesitar entrar con vehiculos grandes. Su ubicacion es estrategica ya que proximamente la zona contara con el desarrollo del nuevo puerto seco de Manzanillo, ubicado entre Cuyutlan-Armeria. Tiene documentacion completa y esta libre de gravamenes. ------------ Land located on the Colima-Manzanillo km23 highway, with an area of 7.8 hectares. Ideal for industrial developments or agricultural turns. Suitable for industrial buildings, warehouses, container yards, and gas stations, among others. It has access from the highway and also through a secondary entrance, which makes it ideal in case you need to enter with large vehicles. Its location is strategic since the area will soon have the development of the new dry port of Manzanillo, located between Cuyutlan-Armeria. It has complete documentation and is free of liens.