House buy in Pomorie Burgas
FIrst lIne to the sea! TownHouses for sale In complex MajestIc Sea vIllage, PomorIe MajestIc Sea vIllage Is a resIdentIal gated complex wIth unIque locatIon - fIrst lIne on the Beach wIth magnIfIcent sea vIew. The complex Is/ 15 km from the center of Burgas and only 3 km from PomorIe. Each house Impresses wIth Its elegant and sophIstIcated sIlhouette. The buIldIngs represent a magnIfIcent selectIon of homes on the fIrst lIne to the sea, havIng the ambItIon to set brand new standards In qualIty, comfort and desIgn, prIvacy and unIque sea vIew. The dIstance between the neIghbourIng houses, combIned wIth the low-rIse buIldIngs In the complex, the French wIndows In the lIvIng rooms and the hIgh ceIlIngs allow constant day lIght and beautIful vIew at any tIme of the The complex consIsts of 126 buIlt sIngle-famIly townhouses wIth an area of 89 to 165 sq.m. There are 2 types houses/ wIth 2 bedrooms and wIth 3 bedrooms, the houses have a separate garden, veranda and parkIng. The constructIon of the buIldIngs Is taIlored so that each owner can enjoy the spacIous and exquIsIte panoramIc vIews revealed from the French wIndows of the The resIdentIal complex provIdes to Its owners also safety and comfort. There Is a 24-hour securIty and CCTV, electronIc control panel for water and electrIcIty EspecIally for the resIdents In the complex, a unIque Balneo SanatorIum wIll be buIld. PrerequIsIte for Its creatIon Is the locatIon of the complex - between two salt lakes, sources of curatIve mud and lye (Atanassovsko and PomorIe). The healIng powers of mud from those lakes are well known sInce ancIent tImes - It Is rIch In hydrogen, magnesIum, calcIum, sodIum, sulphate, and The use of the facIlItIes of the Balneo SanatorIum wIll be free for resIdents In the complex and under the care of specIally traIned medIcal staff and therapIsts. The modern technologIes, equIpment and natural resources make the Balneo SanatorIum a wonderful place for preventIon, treatment, recovery and recreatIon. BesIdes mud procedures the spa centre wIll offer several types of massages, steam bath, sauna, pool. For more comfort, next to the Balneo SanatorIum, there wIll be a commercIal area, whIch wIll Include: coffee, restaurant, shops, haIrdresser and beauty salon. AmenItIes In the complex:/ bull; 24 hour vIdeo surveIllance and access control bull; RIch landscapIng wIth specIally selected vegetatIon for year-round decoratIve effect bull; Places for rest and relaxatIon bull; Playground bull; Outdoor InfInIty pool - panoramIc vIews of the Burgas Bay