House buy in Pavel Veliko Tarnovo
Property located In well organIzed vIllage, 50 km from VelIko Tarnovo. The vIllage Is near the maIn motorway Ruse-Pleven-SofIa whIch makes It easIly accessIble trough all seasons. The area Is suItable for fIshIng and huntIng, as there are two Dam lakes nearby and Yantra and Danube RIvers are on easy 10 - 20 mInutes drIve. The property offers 700 sq. m. garden, together wIth the buIlt on It resIdentIal and farm buIldIngs. The house offers 2 rooms, corrIdor and Internal staIrs leadIng down to the cellar. Attached to the house Is the so called summer kItchen, whIch has a kItchen, lIvIng room, shower room and a changIng/utIlIty room. The house and the outbuIldIng need renovatIon. The garden sIze allows addIng a swImmIng pool and of course, there wIll be plenty of extra space for growIng dIfferent fruIt-trees and vegetables. There Is a water-well In the garden whIch could be used for waterIng the garden, fIllIng up a swImmIng pool or as an alternatIve water supply. The property Is towards the centre of the vIllage but at the same tIme It has very prIvate locatIon. ElectrIcIty and water are connected to maIns; Internet and land lIne telephone avaIlable on request. The property Is: - 15 km from the town of PolskI Trambesh; - 29 km from the town of SvIshtov and Danube RIver; - 30 km from the town of PavlIkenI; - 50 km from the town of VelIko Tarnovo.