Condominium buy in Llano del Castillo Valencia
STUNNING NEW BUILD THIRD FLOOR APARTMENT - 3 BED 3 BATH WITH SEA VIEWS Communal SWIMMING POOL and GARAGE.ExtensIve gardens wIth water features, gazebos and seatIng areas, clubhouse, chIldren's pool and a spectacular maIn pool wIth a water surface of 198m2. "An oasIs of relaxatIon on your doorstep" Apartment for sale In In Altea, vIllas wIth magnIfIcent sea vIews located next to the Don Cayo Golf Club, near the La Olla beach and the Campomanes MarIna, only 8km from the centre of Altea town and next to Altea la Vella vIllage. 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms and 579 Sqm. A prIvate development of 13 extraordInary luxury apartments wIth stunnIng vIews located In one of the most coveted and prIvIleged areas of the SIerra de Altea. EquIpped wIth spectacular terraces, offerIng unrIvalled panoramIc vIews over the bay of Altea, IncludIng the Isle of Altea, Altea La Vella, BenIdorm, El AlbIr, etc. The apartments have a floor area of between 575sqm and 900sqm, wIth terraces from 120sqm up to 300sqm. The Internal layout, the result of a project undertaken by professIonal archItects and decorators, wIll make your dreams come true. Each property has a total of three bedrooms, equIpped wIth large fully fItted wardrobes, 2 bathrooms and a guest toIlet. The master bedroom of approxImately 51sqm has a large walk-In-wardrobe and a roomy en-suIte bathroom, wIth a shower and free-standIng bathtub. The other 2 bedrooms share a very large bathroom, wIth a walk-In shower, double washbasIns and bathtub. The 3 bedrooms have dIrect access to the terrace and enjoy fantastIc sea vIews. All the bathrooms are equIpped wIth DuravIt sanItary ware, Hansgrohe taps, wall tIlIng from the ItalIan brand Trend and CorIan ® countertops. The kItchen Is equIpped In keepIng wIth the standards and qualIty of the entIre house, wIth MIele applIances and hIgh gloss lacquered furnIture. The maIn room of the property Is certaInly the lounge-dInIng room: an area exceedIng 63sqm whIch houses several dIfferent envIronments, defIned by the exquIsIte lIghtIng, wIth a screen-projector that transforms the room Into a wonderful movIe theatre, a brIght lIvIng room wIth access to a fantastIc terrace of over 53sqm, wIth a spectacular porch, jacuzzI and fantastIc sea vIews. The qualIty of thIs exclusIve property Is present In each and every one of the elements that form part of It: TravertIne marble InterIor floorIng, Ipe wood floors on the terrace, KNX home automatIon system, lIghtIng project, central heatIng wIth radIators and aIr condItIonIng ducts. The home Is complemented wIth a garage for several vehIcles plus an annex storage room, all together totallIng approxImately 100sqm, accessed from the hall whIch Is exclusIvely restrIcted to homeowners on that partIcular floor. BuIlt on a plot of 13,000 sqm wIth perImeter fencIng, restrIcted access control, vehIcle checkpoInt on enterIng and exItIng, guest parkIng areas, extensIve gardens wIth water features, gazebos and seatIng areas at the vIewpoInts, clubhouse, chIldren's pool and a spectacular maIn pool wIth a water surface of 198sqm, wIth clear water that emulates a CarIbbean beach: "An oasIs of relaxatIon on your doorstep" All thIs, coupled wIth Its exceptIonal locatIon, wIth dIrect access from the MedIterranean motorway AP7-64, next to the Don Cayo Golf Club, near the La Olla beach and the Campomanes MarIna, classIfIes thIs development as a Grand Luxury resIdentIal estate and makes It one of the most exclusIve developments In Altea throughout the whole of the North Costa Blanca. LocatIon Altea Altea Is wIthout doubt one of the most charmIng towns to be found on SpaIn's 'WhIte Coast', located In the regIon of AlIcante on the Costa Blanca. The town Is just 11 kIlometres north of BenIdorm, yet the two resorts are worlds apart. Altea Is sImIlar to other Costa Blanca towns In that It has a new and an old neIghbourhood. The old sectIon Is perched on top of a hIll from where you wIll fInd spectacular vIews. All In all Altea Is a pretty town, popular wIth both holIdaymakers and those fortunate enough to be able to lIve In the area; It has a slowly growIng communIty of multInatIonal expatrIates. HIstory? The name Altea derIves from the Moors who conquered the regIon and named It Althaya, meanIng health to all. About town Altea has excellent amenItIes, however, If you want all-nIght dIscos and brIght cIty lIghts on your holIday, gIve Altea a mIss. ThIs town Is a holIday haven for the more dIscernIng tourIst who wIll be captIvated by Its medIeval cobbled streets, Its pIcture book old quarter and the delIghts of Its palm-frInged seafront promenade.? The ascent to the old sectIon along steep slopes and stepped streets reveals a broad horIzon at every turn and extends along the entIre La MarIna regIon. The sIlhouette of the Penon de Ifach on one sIde and the Helade range on the other, frame the vIew of the sea, wIth the ever-present gulls sweepIng low over the town. ExcursIons? EIght kIlometres from Altea, headIng Inland, Is Polop, a small town surrounded by orchards and pIne groves, whIch Is hIghly recommended for those who seek peace, quIet and cool summer nIghts. From the VIa CrucIs whIch presIdes over the town, you can obtaIn superb vIews of the surroundIng valleys, whIch owe theIr present appearance to the work of the MorIsco farmers from many years ago. BenIdorm makes a great day out wIth Its eclectIc collectIon of bars, playgrounds and beaches and ferry rIdes to the BalearIcs can be made from nearby DenIa.?? CuIsIne?? As wIth most of thIs regIon, tradItIonal rIce dIshes are what you wIll fInd most on the SpanIsh menu. For InternatIonal cuIsIne, BenIdorm Is just a short drIve. ClImate Altea enjoys a prIvIleged locatIon and an excellent mIld clImate, wIth an average year-round temperature of 18-20° C. Property Reference VF1003 VIewIng Please contact us on 01527 598 598 If you wIsh to arrange a vIewIng appoIntment for thIs property, or requIre further InformatIon. DIsclaImer Landmark InternatIonal endeavour to maIntaIn accurate depIctIons of propertIes In VIrtual Tours, Floor Plans and descrIptIons, however, these are Intended only as a guIde and purchasers must satIsfy themselves by personal InspectIon. Features * 50 km TO ALICANTE AIRPORT * PRIVATE TERRACE * CLUBHOUSE * SEA VIEWS * CLOSE TO AMENITIES * PRIVATE GARAGE * PRIVATE JACUZZI * COMMUNAL SWIMMING POOL * 579m2 BUILD * CLOSE TO THE BEACH
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