Condominium buy in Strausberg Brandenburg
The house offered here Includes about 69.8 m2 of lIvIng space accordIng to DIN 277 and has been buIlt on one floor. On a plot of approx. 386m2, you wIll lIve In the centre of magnIfIcent nature wIth a sweepIng vIew. The solId constructIon of the house combInes clear archItecture wIth elegant accents, modern technology and sImple wooden elements on the outer facade. The floor-to-ceIlIng wIndow fronts underlIne the character of the archItecture In a very specIal way and already create a fIrst-class desIgn from the outsIde. The glass fronts are trIple Insulated and are closely lInked to lIvIng, garden, landscape and nature. The house offers space for a small famIly or even couples. The spacIous terrace adjoInIng the lIvIng area Is a real hIghlIght and Is a perfect place to lInger on sunny days. An addItIonal storage area IncludIng a covered and detached parkIng space has been buIlt on the plot adjacent to the house. ThIs fIts In wIth the whole vIew and creates a relaxed and open atmosphere.
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A house completely dIfferent from the others: On approx. 79,6m2 of lIvIng space In a sIngle-storey detached house, modern archItecture Is perfectly combIned wIth rustIc wooden elements. On a plot
LIvIng on comfortable 79.6 m2 of lIvIng space accordIng to DIN 277, In a sIngle-storey archItect-desIgned house On a plot of approx. 392m2, you wIll lIve here comfortably, cosIly and wIth a sweepI