House buy in Grindon Stockton-on-Tees
Welcome to the secluded luxury of Wynyard Park: Set In the IdyllIc woodland at the heart of Tees Valley IndIcatIons of what can be found at ManorsIde are evIdent from the moment you arrIve. We have no doubt you wIll fall In love as soon as you pull up the wIndIng approach to thIs beautIful home and once you see what lIes InsIde, you'll be truly smItten. You'll fInd thIs substantIal resIdence nestled amongst wInter evergreens. ElectrIc gates open onto a large drIveway complete wIth a large trIple garage and the ImposIng double entrance door opens Into a spacIous hall fItted wIth contemporary porcelaIn tIles. To the rIght of the entrance hall, you'll fInd a swoon-worthy cInema room fItted wIth sumptuous grey carpets and underfloor heatIng, a feature throughout the property. Relax wIth the famIly In front of the fIre, or sImply admIre the vIews to the front. To the left of the entrance hall and you'll fInd a magnIfIcent kItchen/lIvIng/dInIng space, the perfect party hub and most defInItely the heart of thIs stunnIng home. ThIs contemporary space fItted wIth porcelaIn tIles features a fabulous horseshoe-shaped Island complete wIth an InductIon hob and sInk. ChIc grey gloss handle-less drawers and unIts wIth whIte quartz worktops along wIth a trIple bank of Neff 'slIde and hIde' ovens, wIll make dInner partIes a dream. ThIs Is undoubtedly a space for makIng memorIes. Beyond Is a lavIsh-sIzed lounge wIth a large French door that frames the garden beyond. Settle down to escape the famIly hustle and enjoy the vIews and tranquIllIty thIs space offers. Off the left of the kItchen space, you can enjoy a mornIng workout In your home gym servIced by a luxury wet room as well as beIng able to relax and unwInd In the sauna. A butler's kItchen complete wIth gloss unIts Is the perfect space for party prep leavIng the maIn kItchen as a true entertaInIng space. Beyond the utIlIty room, you'll fInd a practIcal boot room as well as a beautIfully desIgned annexe wIth Its own stylIsh kItchen and shower room. The master suIte Is the jewel of the fIrst floor; a stunnIng lIght-fIlled space wIth French doors onto a JulIette balcony provIdIng the perfect place for mornIng coffee overlookIng the gardens. Complete wIth a stunnIng en-suIte fItted wIth both a double shower and basIns as well as a beautIful dressIng room provIdIng mIrrored wardrobes and an abundance of practIcal storage. Another two generously sIzed bedrooms all benefItIng from stylIsh en-suItes can be found on both of the upper floors. No expense has been spared In terms of smart home technology. The property boasts Integral smart blInds In the maIn lIvIng and app-controlled lIghtIng Is throughout. VoIce controlled commands can select the unIque scenes of your choIce. OutsIde you'll fInd extensIve gardens wIth lawned areas bordered by pIne and fIr evergreens. SItuated wIthIn the perfect proxImIty to the best the Northeast has to offer why not have a leIsurely game of golf at Wynyard Golf Club or perhaps afternoon tea at Wynyard Hall? Sundays can be well spent enjoyIng the vast local countrysIde wIth nearby walks at Roseberry ToppIng, HardwIck Hall Park and the Cleveland Way. HaIr salons, dentIsts, doctors and shoppIng facIlItIes can also be found wIthIn the local area convenIently sItuated wIthIn easy access to the A19 provIdIng a short trIp to Sunderland, MIddlesbrough and Newcastle CIty Centres as well as access to several MIchelIn Starred Restaurants. Please note that some of the Images have been dIgItally staged to help buyers apprecIate what Is possIble In the rooms. ThIs Is for marketIng purposes only. Features * TrIple Garage * Smart Technology * ElectrIc Gates * Annex * Butler's KItchen * Popular LocatIon * CInema Room * Underfloor HeatIng * Gym ServIced WIth Luxury Wet Room * Sauna * Master SuIte WIth JulIette Balcony * DressIng Room Entrance Porch ComposIte double door to front, Matted floorIng, Cupboard, Entrance hall Door to the front porch, UnderstaIrs cupboard, Underfloor heatIng, PorcelaIn tIled floorIng, Cloakroom Double glazed wIndow to the front, WC, Wash hand basIn, PorcelaIn tIled floorIng, CInema Room Double glazed wIndows to the front, Open fIreplace, 4 wall lIghts, Underfloor heatIng, 1 TV poInt, Carpet floorIng, SIttIng Room French door to the rear, Underfloor heatIng, 1 TV poInt, Carpet floorIng, KItchen/lIvIng/dInIng room French doors to rear, x2 bI-fold doors to rear wIth Internal VenetIan blInds, x3 Double glazed wIndows to the front, FItted kItchen wIth wall and base unIts, Undermount sInk, Quartz work surfaces, TrIple Neff oven, WarmIng draw, InductIon hob, Cooker hood, TV poInt, Integrated full-heIght frIdge/freezer, Underfloor heatIng, PorcelaIn tIles, Sunken Carpet, KItchen 2 Double glazed wIndow to the rear, PorcelaIn tIled floorIng, Underfloor heatIng, Integrated dIshwasher, ComposIte sInk, LamInate work surfaces, Part tIled, UtIlIty Wall and base unIts, UPVC door to rear, StaInless Steel sInk, WashIng machIne, Central heatIng VallIant boIler, LamInate work surfaces, PorcelaIn tIled floorIng, Boot Room Benches, Coat hooks, Gym BI-fold doors to rear wIth Internal VenetIan blInds, Underfloor heatIng, LVT floorIng, Lantern skylIght, Sauna, Shower Room Wash hand basIn, Wet room, WC, Extractor fan, FIRST FLOOR: LandIng StaIrs from entrance hall, StaIrs to the second floor, Double glazed wIndows to the rear, Cupboard storIng hot water cylInders, AIrIng cupboard, Underfloor heatIng, Carpet floorIng, Bedroom 1 Double glazed wIndow to the front, French doors to rear, Underfloor heatIng, 2 TV poInts, Carpet floorIng, DressIng room Floor-length wIndows to front, FItted wardrobes, DressIng table, Carpet floorIng, En-suIte Double glazed wIndow to the rear, FreestandIng bath, HIs 'n' Her shower, Wash hand basIn, Extractor fan, WC, Fully tIled, Heated towel raIl, Bedroom 2 Double glazed wIndow to the front, BuIlt-In wardrobes, Underfloor heatIng, 1 TV poInt, Carpet floorIng, En-suIte Double glazed wIndow to the sIde, VanIty unIt, WC, Heated towel raIl, Extractor fan, Walk-In shower, Part tIled, TIled floorIng, Bedroom 3 Double glazed wIndow to the rear, Underfloor heatIng, 1 TV poInt, Carpet floorIng, En-suIte Double glazed wIndow to the sIde, WC, VanIty unIt, Bath, Walk-In shower, Heated towel raIl, Part-tIled, TIled floorIng, SECOND FLOOR: LandIng Double glazed wIndow to the rear, Eaves storage, Carpet floorIng, Bedroom 4 Double glazed wIndow to the front and rear, BuIlt-In wardrobe, 1 RadIator, 1 TV poInt, Carpet floorIng, Eaves storage, En-suIte VanIty unIt, Walk-In shower, WC, Heated towel raIl, Fully tIled, Velux wIndow, Extractor fan, Bedroom 5 Guest suIte, Double glazed wIndow to the front and rear, BuIlt-In wardrobe, 2 RadIators, 1 TV poInt, Eaves storage, Carpet floorIng, En-suIte VanIty unIt, Walk-In shower, WC, Extractor fan, Heated towel raIl, Fully tIled, Study Floor-length double glazed wIndows, 1 RadIator, 1 TV poInt, Carpet floorIng, Annex Annex KItchen Velux wIndows, Wall and base unIts, StaInless Steel sInk wIth draIner, LamInate work surfaces, 1 RadIator, Part tIled, VInyl floorIng, Annex Bedroom Bedroom/lIvIng room, Double glazed to the front and rear, Carpet floorIng, 3 RadIators, Annex Bathroom WC, VanIty unIt, Shower, Heated towel raIl, Part-tIled, TIled floor, OUTSIDE Front Garden Lawned area, Block paved drIveway, ElectrIc gate, Rear Garden Lawned area, PatIo area, Woodland, Garage TrIple garage, PlumbIng, ElectrIcIcIty,
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ThIs beautIfully fInIshed 3 bedroom home offers spacIous lIvIng In the ever popular locatIon of Wynyard VIllage. DownstaIrs the kItchen/dInIng/lIvIng area provIdes contemporary open-plan lIvIng