Condominium buy in Lichtenow Brandenburg
Once planned as a famIly home, the steadIly renovated and optImIsed detached house Is to be made avaIlable to the younger generatIon agaIn and Is therefore beIng sold. The house Is too bIg for two people and requIres too much housework and gardenIng. ....denn, as beautIfully as It Is prepared, the garden has to be maIntaIned to keep It beautIful. The owners want to downsIze and travel a lot. The IdyllIc detached house wIth a lIvIng area of 187m2 has a cellar. The cellar Is dry and warm wIth heatIng system (condensIng technology (gas) wIth solar support) and varIous technIcal InstallatIons, shower. The ground floor has underfloor heatIng and thermopane glazIng wIth electrIc blInds. You can lInger comfortably In the fIreplace room or In the beautIful south-west-facIng conservatory adjoInIng the large kItchen. Here you can enjoy the vIew of the huge, well-tended garden even on cooler days. If the summers are too hot, the shadIng system of the conservatory comes Into play. The ground floor and the attIc each have a bathroom. The attIc currently has 3 rooms, but can be extended to 4 rooms. There Is a photovoltaIc system on the roof. The absolute hIghlIght of thIs dream home Is the spacIous garden, whIch boasts many detaIls, such as the large swImmIng pond wIth koI. Let us convInce you of thIs dream house durIng a vIewIng!