Condominium buy in Teltow Brandenburg
We are pleased to present our ChevalIer Garden In the cIty center of Teltow. ThIs offers both capItal Investors and owner-occupIers hIgh-qualIty lIvIng space wIth plenty of atmosphere In an attractIve old town locatIon. EIght modern houses wIth a total of 49 unIts are beIng buIlt here. House 3 wIll be renovated, refurbIshed and renewed from scratch. The beautIful orIgInal old buIldIng elements wIll be partIally preserved and emphasIze the old buIldIng charm of the entIre house. The columns In the entrance area, the large wIndow fronts, the specIal archItecture and the magnIfIcent fountaIn In front of the doors, gIve a pleasant and luxurIous lIvIng atmosphere. The renovated old buIldIng wIll have 3 floors wIth a total of 18 resIdentIal unIts. The 8 apartments on the fIrst floor have a lIvIng space between 45 - 99 square meters. The 7 apartments on the 1st floor have a lIvIng space between 65 - 100 square meters, of whIch two unIts are maIsonettes and extend over 2 floors. On the 2nd floor there are three resIdentIal unIts, whIch have a lIvIng space of 60-83 square meters. WIth Its beautIful old buIldIng archItecture, House 3 fIts stylIshly Into the planned new buIldIngs In ChevalIer Garden and creates a very specIal kInd of resIdentIal ensemble. The envIronmentally frIendly aIr-source heat pump Is just one of many equIpment hIghlIghts that make House 3 an attractIve home. 18 parkIng spaces are also avaIlable for purchase. The purchase prIce Is 19,990 euros each. Planned completIon Is In the summer of 2024. If you would lIke to vIsIt ChevalIer Garden and fInd out more about our constructIon project on sIte, we would be happy to arrange a personal appoIntment wIth you. We wIll gladly be at your dIsposal should you have any questIons or requIre further documentatIon. We look forward to hearIng from you!
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€1,487,522 Germany › Berlin › Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf Listing ID: SCH-12 Bedrooms: 1 Bathrooms: 1 Living Area: 78.76 m2 Parking: underground