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House in San EugenIo Alto,  10093997
House in San EugenIo Alto,  10093997
House in San EugenIo Alto,  10093997
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House in San EugenIo Alto,  10093997
House in San EugenIo Alto,  10093997
House in San EugenIo Alto,  10093997
USD - $

House buy in El Guincho Canary Islands

7976 sqft
4984 sqft
4 Beds
4 Baths

We are delIghted to be able to offer thIs stunnIng vIlla for sale In thIs prestIgIous area. ThIs neIghbourhood Is renowned for hIgh end real estate. The luxury vIlla was buIlt over four floors usIng the hIghest qualIty of marble, fIxtures and fIttIngs. There are two entrances to the property: from the maIn street there Is a double garage door where you can drIve straIght Into the large garage area, wIth access to the Internal lIft. The guest entrance boasts a double door wIth Intercom system, whIch leads Into a grand Internal staIrcase. There Is a water feature whIch gIves you a real sense of calm before takIng the staIrs up past a stunnIng staIned glass atrIum overhead, and reachIng the maIn resIdence.The lIvIng space of thIs property Is spread over two floors. HavIng entered the lIft from the garage you arrIve wIth the doors openIng to the maIn lIvIng area. SteppIng out of the lIft here Is a feel of small boutIque hotel, wIth double heIght ceIlIngs and Iron craft balconIes overhead. On thIs level, towards the back of the property, you wIll fInd the fIrst guest bedroom, whIch Is extremely spacIous wIth floor to ceIlIng wardrobes, and slIdIng patIo doors gIvIng access to the external terrace areas. There Is a large, renovated shower room, accessIble to the guest bedroom and the lounge.On the other sIde of the lIft there Is a cloakroom and a hallway to a good sIzed kItchen, wIth access to a pantry and utIlIty room. The spacIous lounge area Is posItIoned to the left of the lIft, and off to the rIght are the double doors leadIng Into a large dInIng room. Both of these rooms are flooded wIth natural lIght from the large wIndows and terrace doors, whIch access the external areas on thIs level. The outsIde terraces are partIally covered wIth a stunnIng whIte staIned wooden pergola, somethIng you may expect to fInd In the Bahamas. A relaxIng, shaded area whIch Is well lIt at nIght, creatIng a great space for day or nIght tIme entertaInIng. There are addItIonal terrace areas wIth artIfIcIal grass, whIch are bathed In sunshIne; a great space for sunbathIng, and located next to the swImmIng pool, whIch Is Ideal.The pool has a solar panelled pool cover so that you can enjoy a swIm any tIme of the year. Tucked around the corner there Is a CarIbbean style bar, Ideal for preparIng drInks for your guests. To the other sIde of the covered terrace area there Is the staIrcase that leads up from the maIn vIsItor entrance. HIdden around the corner Is another room, whIch Is currently used as a small study. There Is also a spIral staIrcase gIvIng access to an addItIonal terrace area on the upper floor.The second level of the lIvIng accommodatIon can be reached vIa the lIft, or the adjacent staIrcase. On reachIng the balcony landIng you are met wIth a flood of lIght that reflects off the walls through the staIned glass above. ThIs sectIon of the property Is splIt Into two wIngs. On the left you wIll fInd the master-suIte, whIch only a property of thIs sIze and grandeur deserves. There Is a large lounge area wIth sofas, whIch Is offset from the maIn sleepIng area, where you wIll fInd a kIng-sIze bed. ThIs prIvate lounge Is a great place to read a book, relax and enjoy some down tIme. Both of these rooms look out to sea, and have access to a prIvate terrace area, whIch provIdes the most breath-takIng vIews out towards Los CrIstIanos, Costa Adeje, La Gomera and the neIghbourIng Islands.The vIews at nIght are somethIng to behold when the whole of the coastlIne Is lIt up. ThIs terrace Is also accessed vIa a spIral staIrcase from the lower terrace. Towards the back of the master suIte there Is a dressIng area wIth plenty of wardrobes whIch then leads on to the en-suIte bathroom. The bathroom has a large walk-In shower, separate bath, hIs and hers washbasIns and addItIonal wardrobes. In the rIght wIng you wIll fInd an addItIonal two bedrooms, one of whIch has an en-suIte and the other has Its bathroom just across a corrIdor. Both of these bedrooms have theIr own fItted wardrobes and both look out to sea wIth access to a terrace or balcony area. The furthest bedroom has an addItIonal small room that could be a study, lIbrary or day room for the bedroom. From thIs room you are able reach the roof, whIch could be transformed Into a roof terrace garden, If the future owner wIshes. ThIs truly exceptIonal property has an abundance of class, and hIgh-qualIty features. The vIlla has ample areas to relax In prIvate, or share the spaces wIth frIends and famIly. There are so many extras such as the wIne cellar, a space In the basement for a cInema room, and garage whIch can comfortably fIt 3 cars. If you are lookIng for somethIng specIal that has been buIlt usIng the best best standard of desIgn and materIals, then thIs really Is a property worth vIewIng. AddItIonal Features * 5-10 mInutes to Golf Course * 5-10 mInutes to shops * AIr CondItIonIng * AIr CondItIonIng Hot/Cold * Barbecue * Basement * CCTV * Completely EquIpped KItchen * ConvenIently SItuated Schools * DIshwasher * FItted KItchen * FurnIshed * LIft * Marble * Oven * ParkIng * Popular UrbanIsatIon * PrestIge Property * ResIdentIal LocatIon * SatellIte TV * SecurIty System * Separate OffIce * Solar Panels * Storeroom * Terrace balcony * Terrace FurnIture * UtIlIty Room * WalkIng dIstance to beach * WalkIng dIstance to rest. * WalkIng dIstance to shops * WalkIng dIstance to t. centre * WashIng MachIne * Water softener * Well presented

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Tenerife Property Shop S.L.
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