Other buy in Bolgheri Tuscany
GEOGRAPHiC POSiTiON in the renowned area of Bolgheri, where the best Tuscan wines are produced, wine estate with equipped cellars for wine-making and vineyards. DESCRiPTiON OF THE BUiLDiNGS inside the main house, completely restored, is set the master apartment with terrace, tasting room, offices and barriques room. Adjacent to the main house are set two cellars, one for wine ageing, fermentation and wine-making, equipped with air conditioning system and one used as storage for the end product. EXTERNAL AREA AND WiNE PRODUCTiON The property is surrounded by 8 hectares of working vineyards planted in 2000 with grapevines of Cabernet Sauvignon (68% ♦), Syrah (13% ♦), Cabernet Franc (7% ♦), Viognier (6% ♦) and Sauvignon Blanc (6% ♦). The soil is made up of clay (25%) and sand (75%). A total of 55,000 vines are planted with a density of 7,000 stumps per hectare via pruned-spur cordon-training. The yearly production is 57,000 bottles of wine: ♦ Bolgheri Superiore DOC: 12,000 bottles (€ 15.00) ♦ Bolgheri DOC: 20,000 bottles (€ 10.00) ♦ Rosso Toscano iGT: 10,000 bottles (€ 6.00) ♦ Rosso Toscano iGT: 10,000 bottles (€ 6.00) ♦ Bianco Toscano iGT: 5,000 bottles (€ 9.00) The latest Bucher equipment is included in the selling price.