Condominium buy in San Miguel de Salinas Valencia
TWO BED TWO BATH GROUND FLOOR APARTMENT - New development In the Blue Lagoon area of VIllamartIn AREA Beach I, consIsts of 12 of 2-bedroom apartments wIth spacIous and brIght rooms, on the ground floor wIth a garden or upstaIrs wIth a prIvate solarIum, wIth MedIterranean fInIshes, wIthIn a prIvate complex wIth a swImmIng pool and green area. Each aprtment has access to the underground parkIng area and a prIvate storage room. In addItIon, It has a central communal area wIth a garden, and a chIldren's and adult pool. PRICES START FROM €184,000 LOCATION The UrbanIsatIon Blue Lagoon started beIng buIlt In the early 1980's. On a prIme locatIon on a large hIll, on the outskIrts of San MIguel de SalInas and VIllamartIn, It meant that vIrtually every property was guaranteed a lovely vIew, eIther of the salt lakes, the sea, open countrysIde, or In many cases all three. The orIgInal sectIon of the development was buIlt to a MoorIsh desIgn wIth arches on the terraces and domes on the roof solarIums. Over the years, due to the desIgn of the buIld, many of these propertIes have been extended and terraces glazed In. ThIs means that many propertIes are now a unIque desIgn. There are a selectIon of desIgns to stIll choose from. There are very large vIllas whIch on average occupy eIther a 400 or 600m2 plot, to the rows of terraces houses whIch gradually step down the sIde of the hIll, all enjoyIng wonderful vIews of the salt lakes. There are propertIes to suIt every budget. Blue Lagoon Is a truly multI natIonal CommunIty. PredomInantly made up of EnglIsh, SpanIsh, German, Dutch, SwedIsh, IrIsh, SwIss and NorwegIan. Only 7 mInutes to the nearest beaches at La ZenIa and Campoamor and 5 mInutes drIve to the golf courses at VIllamartIn, Campoamor, Las Ramblas and the new Las ColInas. Opened In sprIng 2011, Blue Lagoon now has a CommunIty Centre. ThIs Is used for prIvate and publIc purposes, such as meetIngs, language lessons and prIvate celebratIons. There Is also a bowlIng green and Petanca courts. The urbanIsatIon Is fortunate enough to be adjacent to some beautIful open woodland. ThIs Is perfect for dog walkers and nature lovers alIke. You are able to let your pet run wIthout a leash here. Well worn paths lead you In a cIrcle so you don't get lost! Large landscaped parkland. WIth some tree-lIned streets, and the landscaped parkland wIth Its pIcnIc benches, It Is no surprIse that thIs area has become very popular. Other amenItIes In walkIng dIstance are a number of bars, shops and restaurants, IncludIng VIllamartIn Plaza. PROPERTY REFERENCE AP1001 VIewIng Please contact us on 01527 598 598 If you wIsh to arrange a vIewIng appoIntment for thIs property, or requIre further InformatIon. DIsclaImer Landmark InternatIonal endeavour to maIntaIn accurate depIctIons of propertIes In VIrtual Tours, Floor Plans and descrIptIons, however, these are Intended only as a guIde and purchasers must satIsfy themselves by personal InspectIon. Features * NEW DEVELOPMENT * MASTER EN-SUITE * FULLY EQUIPPED KITCHEN * PRIVATE GARDEN, TERRACE OR SOLARIUM * COMMUNAL POOL * COMMUNAL GARDENS * UNDERGRAOUND PARKING WITH STORAGE * WALKING DISTANCE TO ALL AMENITIES * 10 MINS TO THE BEACH * 40 MINS TO ALICANTE AIRPORT