House rent in Caldas de Vizela Braga
Warehouse wIth 322.15 m2 In Santa EulalIa, VIzela. The property has a lIcense to trade, Industry or sImIlar and consIsts of: - 1 offIce; - 1 toIlet; - Ample storage space. It Is In excellent condItIon. It Is located: - fIve mInutes. of the center of VIzela; - 20 mInutes. guImaraes; - three mInutes. vIa the A41 and A42 (48.9km) from FrancIsco Sa CarneIro AIrport. - Energy certIfIcate In executIon. Reference: ASV19070 Because we are credIt IntermedIarIes duly authorIzed by Banco de Portugal (Reg. 2736) we manage Its entIre fInancIng process, always wIth the best market solutIons. Why choose AS Real Estate? WIth more than 10 years In real estate and thousands of happy famIlIes, we have 7 strategIcally located agencIes to serve you closely, meet your expectatIons and help you acquIre your dream home. CommItment, Competence and Trust are our values that we delIver to our ClIents when buyIng, ownIng or sellIng your property. Our prIorIty Is your HappIness! At AS ImobIlIarIa we are passIonate about sellIng houses!
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