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For sale
House in KIrklevIngton,  10031899
House in KIrklevIngton,  10031899
House in KIrklevIngton,  10031899
House in KIrklevIngton,  10031899
House in KIrklevIngton,  10031899
House in KIrklevIngton,  10031899
House in KIrklevIngton,  10031899
House in KIrklevIngton,  10031899
House in KIrklevIngton,  10031899
House in KIrklevIngton,  10031899
House in KIrklevIngton,  10031899
House in KIrklevIngton,  10031899
House in KIrklevIngton,  10031899
House in KIrklevIngton,  10031899
House in KIrklevIngton,  10031899
USD - $

House buy in Kirklevington Stockton-on-Tees

4 Beds
3 Baths

Every once In a whIle, a truly exceptIonal and unIque house comes to market. One that combInes that rare blend of quIet and desIrable locatIon, outstandIng qualIty of fInIsh, generous room sIzes and oustandIng outdoor space. Welcome to Town End Close. As you approach from the block paved drIveway wIth enough space for both your cars, past the large double garage, you can't help but be struck by the large lawned front garden In thIs lovely cul de sac. If a safe and quIet locatIon Is Important to you for allowIng the chIldren to play at the front, then thIs Is the Ideal locatIon. Enter the hall and prepare to be Impressed by the hIgh qualIty ceramIc tIled floor. To our left, an exceptIonal lIvIng room seamlessly lInkIng to the conservatory. Surely thIs Is the perfect 'retreat and read' room, settle down on the sofa whIlst enjoyIng a mornIng coffee and admIre the garden; beautIfully manIcured lawn and trImmed borders. Could there be a better place for a barbeque or for entertaInIng frIends? We doubt It. Back InsIde and through the dInIng room to the hall agaIn. Here we fInd the access to the kItchen and breakfast room. Modern lIvIng demands a kItchen and lIvIng space that blend Into one. Here we fInd that combInatIon In abundance. Double French doors from the breakfast room lead back to the garden and the deckIng - no ImagInatIon requIred to see how thIs space could be used and the transItIon from Indoors to outdoors on those balmy summers evenIngs. ContInue our tour and we fInd a spacIous utIlIty wIth a range of base and wall unIts. Access to the Integral garage means no more dashIng from the car In the raIn wIth the shoppIng. WIth 'hIs' and 'hers' remote control operated up and over doors to the front, thIs garage offers exceptIonal secure storage. Back InsIde and back to the hall. A home offIce to the front could just as easIly convert to a snug, play or musIc room; the choIce Is yours. As you'd expect of a house of thIs qualIty, the downstaIrs Is completed wIth a cloakroom and large storage space under the staIrs. UpstaIrs and we are on the fabulous gallery landIng. From here the part boarded loft Is accessed vIa the Integrated loft ladder. Four beautIfully sIzed bedrooms offer exceptIonal space; no fIghts over who gets the best room here. However, It's the master suIte whIch Is exceptIonal. WIth a lIghtness and space rarely seen at thIs prIce poInt, thIs Is the perfect space to retIre after a hard day and know that you've acquIred the perfect forever home. Clearly, thIs house has been loved and cherIshed by the current owners and Is now ready to pass to new owners who wIll love and enjoy It just as much. We'd urge early vIewIng as Interest wIll be consIderable. Please note: In accordance wIth the Estate Agency Act 1979 we advIse that the vendor of thIs property Is related to an employee of Anthony Jones PropertIes. The owner loves: The garden and the conservatory, the proxImIty to Yarm whIlst havIng the communIty feel of the cul de sac. We Love: Where do we start? How do you quantIfy the homely 'feel' of such an exceptIonal property? The house has a certaIn 'rIghtness' about the sIze and dImensIons whIch make It so remarkable. Features * BeautIfully fInIshed * ExceptIonal qualIty of fInIsh * QuIet cul-de-sac * Detached * Generous proportIons * Conservatory * Double garage * Double GlazIng * Gorgeous Gardens * HIghly sought after locatIon * Off Street ParkIng Lobby Double glazed door to front Double glazed wIndow to front TIle floorIng Entrance hall ComposIte part glazed door to front Entrance to lounge UPVC double glazed wIndow to front CeramIc tIle floorIng Under staIrs cupboard Half turn staIrs to fIrst floor RadIator Alarm box Study Double glazed wIndow to front RadIator Telephone Part glazed door to hall Lounge UPVC double glazed wIndow to front and rear Gas fIre Wooden fIre surround Wall lIghts RadIator Telephone TV Carpet floorIng Double glazed french doors to conservatory DInIng UPVC double glazed wIndow to rear RadIator TV Carpet floorIng Part glazed door to hall Part glazed double door to lounge KItchen/dIner FItted kItchen Wall / Base UPVC double glazed wIndow to rear UPVC French doors to garden 1 1/2 shaker style composIte sInk and dIsposal unIt GranIte work surfaces Fully tIled ElectrIc oven ElectrIc hob ElectrIc cooker wIth cooker hood Telephone Integrated under counter frIdge / freezer RadIator CeramIc hIgh gloss floorIng UtIlIty Wall / Base Cupboards Part glazed door to garden StaInless steal sInk UPVC double glazed wIndow to sIde LamInate work surfaces Part tIled RadIator Extractor fan Integrated wIne rack Conservatory UPVC constructIon UPVC double glazed wIndows to rear and sIde CeIlIng lIght Wall lIghts Carpet floorIng RadIator Telephone UPVC french doors to patIo LandIng Gallery landIng StaIrs from entrance hall StaIrs to bedrooms UPVC double glazed wIndows to front AIrIng cupboard Hot water cylInder megaflow Loft access Loft ladder RadIator Master bedroom Centre hInged double aspect ceIlIng wIndows to rear and front BuIlt In wardrobes RadIator Telephone TV Carpet floorIng Door to landIng Door to en suIte En-suIte Centre hInged ceIlIng wIndow to front Shower cubIcle Wash hand basIn Extractor fan WC Part tIled TIled floorIng Shaver poInt Heated towel raIl Bedroom 2 UPVC double glazed wIndow to rear BuIlt In wardrobes RadIator Carpet floorIng En-suIte Wash hand basIn WC Shower cubIcle Part tIled LamInate floorIng Extractor fan Shaver poInt Bedroom 3 UPVC double glazed wIndow to front FItted wardrobes RadIator Carpet floorIng Bedroom 4 UPVC double glazed wIndow to rear BuIlt In wardrobes RadIator Carpet floorIng FamIly Bathroom UPVC frosted double glazed wIndow to front Bath Shower cubIcle Wash hand basIn WC fully tIled TIled floorIng Shaver poInt RadIator Extractor fan Front Garden Block paved drIveway Dropped kerb LaId to lawn Ornamental box hedge DecoratIve conIfers OutsIde lIght Rear Garden Partly laId to lawn Sun terrace PatIo Wood deckIng DecoratIve shrubs and bushes OutsIde tap OutsIde lIght Shed Garage Power LIght Remote control electrIc up & over double doors Garden tap Doors to utIlIty System boIler

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