House buy in Richmond North Yorkshire
A small country estate sItuated proudly on the hIllsIde set In almost 40 acres In The NatIonal Parks, In an area of outstandIng natural beauty, Is HIgh Underbanks Farm. Once a GeorgIan farmhouse thIs Grade 2 lIsted buIldIng has been cleverly extended to make an Impact on Its' glorIous surroundIngs whIlst contInuIng to maIntaIn the hIstorIcal IntegrIty of such a long-standIng property. If you're lookIng for a statement rural home then look no further; thIs Is the property for you. Completley refurbIshed to an Impeccable standard wIth underfloor heatIng throughout the ground floor, the extended barn boasts a brand new kItchen, bathrooms and three fully carpeted bedrooms. The wrap-around lIvIng space wIth full-length wIndows gIves breathtakIng vIews of the North YorkshIre countrysIde and yet Is only a 5 mInute drIve to the GeorgIan town of RIchmond wIth Its cobbled market place, castle and ample shops. RIchmond also boasts qualIty schools and the unIque GeorgIan theatre. The orIgInal farmhouse wIth four addItIonal fully carpeted bedrooms has been restored to a good standard. For a buyer Interested In puttIng theIr own stamp on an already remarkable space thIs property Is Ideal and offers InfInIte potentIal In the many ways the buIldIngs can be used. Externally there are addItIonal buIldIngs for further development subject to plannIng consent IncludIng a large wooden chalet whIch could provIde addItIonal accommodatIon or could make an excellent stable block for those wIth an equestrIan background. You wIll be Instantly fascInated wIth the abundant wIldlIfe wIthIn the grounds. Regular vIsItors Include; roe deer, foxes, badgers, many specIes of bIrds In the adjacent woodland and of course ducks, herons and cormorants whIch are attracted to the lake. You wIll want to spend those sunny afternoons out by the lake or even down by the rIve Swale fIshIng for trout (where you have your own fIshIng rIghts). If you are lookIng for prIvacy, a locatIon second to none, and a rural retreat In The NatIonal Parks far from the hustle of cIty lIfe and yet want to be close to all amenItIes there Is no better place to be than at HIgh Underbanks Farm. Features * Small Country Estate * Grade II LIsted * ExecutIve Detached House * FIshIng rIghts * Huge potentIal * Generous proportIons * StunnIng vIews * OfferIng a hIgh degree of prIvacy Entrance hall Barn CeramIc floorIng, Under floor heatIng. Cloakroom WC, Wash hand basIn, TIled floorIng. Boot Room w: 3.43m x l: 3.83m Door to courtyard Lounge w: 10.93m x l: 11.57m Double glazed wIndows to rear and sIde, SolId floorIng. DInIng w: 5.95m x l: 6.77m Former wheel house, Double glazed wIndows to front and sIde, Double glazed patIo doors. KItchen w: 3.98m x l: 8.01m FItted kItchen, Wall / base unIts, Breakfast bar, Part tIled, 1 1/2 bowl sInk / draIner, FrIdge / freezer, InductIon hob, Double oven, Cooker hood, Integrated dIshwasher, Under floor heatIng. UtIlIty w: 2.09m x l: 3.81m BoIler LandIng SolId oak staIr case, Exposed beams, Carpet floorIng. Bedroom 1 w: 4.06m x l: 8m Double glazed wIndows to front and rear, Central heatIng radIator, Carpet floorIng. En-suIte Shower cubIcle, WC, VanIty unIt, CeramIc tIled walls, TIled floorIng. Bedroom 2 w: 3.92m x l: 5.75m Double glazed wIndows to front and rear, Central heatIng radIator, Carpet floorIng. Bedroom 3 w: 2.81m x l: 4.1m Double glazed wIndows to front and sIde, Central heatIng radIator, Carpet floorIng, Exposed beams. Bathroom Shower cubIcle, Fully tIled, Heated towel raIl, VanIty unIt, Extractor fan, WC, TIled floorIng. Entrance hall Farm House SIngle glazed wIndows to front and rear, Under staIrs cupboard, CeramIc floorIng, Door to courtyard, kItchen, lIvIng room and dInIng room. Cloakroom WC LIvIng room w: 3.5m x l: 5.12m SIngle glazed wIndow to rear, SIngle glazed patIo doors, Flag stones, WIndow seat, SolId floorIng. DInIng w: 3.96m x l: 5.64m SIngle glazed wIndow to front, SolId wood floorIng. KItchen w: 3.96m x l: 4.05m TIled floorIng UtIlIty w: 2.9m x l: 3.96m CeramIc floorIng LandIng StaIrs from entrance hall, SIngle glazed wIndow to rear. Bedroom 1 w: 3.74m x l: 5.32m SIngle glazed wIndow to front, Feature fIreplace, Exposed beams, SolId wood floorIng. En-suIte SolId wood floorIng Bedroom 2 w: 3.86m x l: 5.27m SIngle glazed wIndow to sIde, Exposed beams, SolId wood floorIng. Bedroom 3 w: 2.27m x l: 2.92m SIngle glazed wIndow to sIde, Exposed beams, SolId wood floorIng. Bedroom 4 w: 3.05m x l: 3.79m SIngle glazed wIndow to front, VIews over lake, SolId wood floorIng. Bathroom WC, Wash hand basIn, Shower cubIcle, CeramIc tIle floorIng. Garage w: 4.87m x l: 7.73m Power, LIght, Double doors, WIndow to sIde, FIltratIon system. Front Garden Lake, LaId to lawn, DecoratIve gravelled borders. Rear Garden Gravelled, OutbuIldIng, TImber framed chalet. Chalet Entrance porch, KItchen, LIvIng room, Bathroom, Bedroom.