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Off the market
House in JerIcoacoara,  10028708
Off the market

House buy in Jericoacoara Ceara

3229 sqft
1722 sqft
3 Beds
3 Baths

Property TItle : Development - Houses - VIlla For sale TItle : Development - Houses - VIlla For sale - - 3 Bedrooms - 3 Bathrooms - P Property DescrIptIon : The vIllage of JerI (JerIcoacoara) Is not only one of the most beautIful beaches, or one of the better kItesurf spots all over the world, It Is also a communIty that has come together to meet requIrements of a growIng tourIsm development whIle maIntaInIng peace of mInd of a haven. It Is In the same spIrIt as the AldeIa project was created , by the use of local labour and noble materIals . PartIcular attentIon has been paId to every detaIl for each vIlla, to create and maIntaIn that connectIon wIth the envIronment wIthout reducIng the comfort you are expectIng from a luxury resIdence. Located In the centre of the vIllage, at the heart of a lush garden, the vIllas nestle naturally Into the landscape of JerI, InsurIng prIvacy whIle maIntaInIng the elegance and hospItalIty proper to AldeIa . AldeIa has two entrances, allowIng you to access the centre of the vIllage or make your way to the spectacular protected sIde of the Malhada beach, dependIng on your mood and the tIme of day. AldeIa Is managed lIke a hotel, the team provIde a level of hospItalIty and servIces to optImIze the comfort of guests. Access to the domaIn Is reserved for resIdents, wIth securIty servIces operatIonal 24hs. Every attentIon Is paId to the envIronment, all green spaces are Impeccably kept up, and common areas are tended to by the on-sIte staff throughout the year. AldeIa also Includes a rental pool system specIally created to provIde enjoyment of the vIlla and get a rental Income wIthout constraInts so you can enjoy your vIlla durIng your holIdays and get rental Income the remaInIng tIme. Located on the West coast of Ceara State, JerIcoacoara Is a few degrees South of the Equator. WIth thIs geographIcal posItIon, It has an exceptIonal clImate and enjoys 320 days of sunshIne a year. Nestled In the heart of a NatIonal Park of sand dunes and oases, the vIllage wIll wIn your heart at fIrst sIght. Immaculate beaches, a wIde range of restaurants and charmIng boutIques, evenIng sunsets over the dunes, capoeIra, forro and samba dances under starry skIes all make thIs authentIc vIllage a truly magIcal place. Whether you're a sports fan or just want to relax, whether you're a nature lover or seekIng a romantIc Interlude, JerIcoacoara offers you a large range of actIvItIes In an outstandIng locatIon. AldeIa vIllas are located In the centre of the vIllage at the heart of a lush garden. Each one has a prIvate pool where you can enjoy the company of your famIly and frIends In prIvacy. Then wander through the sand-lIned streets or take just a few steps to reach the Malhada beach, as your fancy takes you. AldeIa (whIch means 'hamlet') Is a unIque opportunIty for you to acquIre your very own vIlla In a vIllage that cannot be expanded - Its locatIon In the surroundIng 21,000 acre (8,500 hectare) natIonal park Is a guarantee. And thIs also explaIns the popularIty of the place, consIdered as the jewel of the Ceara. Each vIlla has Its own luxurIant garden and prIvate swImmIng pool and are furnIshed. The archItecture and structure are of the hIghest qualIty, and wIth the charm of wood and only the fInest of materIals used, they blend Into theIr natural surroundIngs. WIth theIr contemporary style and tradItIonal, local materIals lIke wood and thatchIng, the streamlIned vIllas have been desIgned for the tropIcal clImate of the area. They are buIlt around wIde terraces that create a harmonIous settIng and provIde a seamless transItIon between InterIor and exterIor spaces. The vIllas have been desIgned to gIve prIorIty to volumes, comfort and prIvacy, In complIance wIth the most rIgorous standards of layout and fIttIngs. The common areas are open, creatIng a sensatIon of wIde spaces. Each bedroom has a prIvate terrace and en-suIte bathroom for greater prIvacy and wellbeIng. From the well-equIpped kItchen to the restful, cozy bedroom and fully fItted bathroom, nothIng has been left to chance to ensure that your home-from-home meets your every requIrement. WIth a choIce of two, three, or four bedrooms, the AldeaI vIllas are suItable for couples, famIlIes, and groups of frIends. ThIs PremIum VIllas Is for sale wIth 3 bedrooms a prIvate terrace, garden bathrooms, swImmIng pool access , BBQ area , kItchen and dInIng room , lIvIng room. PrIce on ApplIcatIon LIstIng SettIng LIstIng Type : For sale LIstIng ID : 1131 PrIce : $0 Bedrooms : 3 Bathrooms : 3 Area : 160 m2 Lot Area : 300 m2

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Languages: English