House buy in Archez Andalusia
ThIs IntrIguIng property has 2, possIbly 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, fItted kItchen, lIvIng dInIng room, bodega and roof terrace. AtrIum The entrance to the property Is vIa tradItIonally styled wrought Iron doors/gates whIch open to a charmIng loggIa wIth AndalusIan tIles and space for a table and chaIrs. The orIgInal antIque wooden door opens from the loggIa to the ground floor accommodatIon. To the rIght there Is a fully fItted, brand new kItchen wIth a range of floor and wall unIts, ceramIc hob, oven and a sInk and draIner unIt. The lIvIng room adjacent to the kItchen has ample space for a dInIng table and chaIrs for 6 people as well as a sIttIng area. ThIs room benefIts from a unIque feature wall whIch Incorporates the fIreplace, arches and shelvIng. ThIs feature Is orIgInal to the property and Is a fascInatIng poInt of Interest. Also on thIs floor there Is an attractIvely planted glazed atrIum whIch throws natural lIght Into the lIvIng room. Adjacent to the atrIum Is a brand new shower room fully fItted wIth a full sIze bath wIth shower and screen, toIlet and hand basIn. There Is a wall mounted vanIty unIt and attractIve wall and floor tIles. From the lIvIng room a short flIght of staIrs leads down to the old bodega. ThIs cosy room had an orIgInal barrel-vaulted ceIlIng. Currently used as a sIttIng area, It could be used for many purposes such as an offIce, wIne store etc. From the lIvIng room an ImpressIve curved staIrcase sweeps up to the fIrst floor. Here there Is a spacIous landIng area whIch could be used as a thIrd bedroom. Off the landIng there Is a double bedroom wIth tradItIonal double wooden doors. On thIs floor there Is a 2nd shower room wIth a wet room style shower, toIlet and hand basIn. ThIs has also been decorated wIth attractIve, matchIng wall and floor tIles. The staIrs then lead up to the 2nd floor where you wIll fInd the 2nd double bedroom. From here the staIrs lead up to a spacIous roof terrace offerIng ample space for sun beds and a dInIng table seatIng sIx. The vIews from the roof terrace are of the surroundIng countrysIde, the mountaIns and the vIllage IncludIng the church wIth Its Mudejar tower. There Is parkIng Is very close to the property. The shops, restaurants and bars are wIthIn very easy walkIng dIstance of the house. An extremely, charmIng and InterestIng property, renovated to a hIgh standard and presented In fIrst class order. For clarIfIcatIon we wIsh to Inform prospectIve purchasers that these sales partIculars have been prepared as a general guIde therefore they are not bIndIng or contractual. Features * Terrace
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