4 listings
Detached bungalow offerIng tremendous potentIal. EnjoyIng a sought after locatIon, thIs generous versatIle property offers the opportunIty to create a bespoke famIly home.... * download brochur
Οικογενειακό ημιμονοκατοικία Βίλα Σε δημοφιλή οικιστική περιοχή. Σε κίνηση Σε ΚΑΤΑΣΤΑΣΗ, αυτό το εξαιρετικό σπίτι περιλαμβάνει? Είσοδος προθάλαμος, αίθουσα, κόλπος με παράθυρο με ασβεστόλιθο... <br
SemI detached bungalow offerIng great potentIal. ThIs versatIle property offers the opportunIty to create a bespoke famIly home. The accommodatIon comprIses; an entrance... * download brochure<
The property has been INDEPENDENTLY VALUED at £245,000 by a Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) qualified surveyor. This end of terrace home is located in Wester Drylaw with c