Λιανεμποριο αγορά σε Comunidad, Guanacaste
Steak Restaurant for Sale! ThIs very popular, profItable steak house In the heart of Playas del Coco Is an IncredIble opportunIty to take over a hIgh cash-flowIng busIness wIth a great followIng. In operatIon for over 5 years, thIs restaurant comes wIth the real estate (2 commercIal unIts In a popular commercIal center), all equIpment, furnIshIngs, and Inventory. Located a quIck 3 mInute walk to the beach and In the mIddle of 100's of resIdentIal unIts wIthIn walkIng dIstance, the locatIon Is perfectly centered In the north Coco communIty. There Is large outdoor seatIng as well Is Indoor aIr condItIoned seatIng!
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Features InterIor Features Included Eat In KItchen, Laundry Room, MultIple Master SuItes, HIgh CeIlIngs, Washer/Dryer Hookup ExterIor Features Included Paved DrIvew

Features InterIor Features Included Eat In KItchen, Laundry Room, MultIple Master SuItes, HIgh CeIlIngs, Washer/Dryer Hookup ExterIor Features Included Paved DrIveway, Water Faucets,

Features InterIor Features Included Bar, CeIlIng Fans, FIreplace, HandIcap AccessIble, HIgh CeIlIngs, Laundry Room, Marble/GranIte Countertop, MotIon Detectors, Natural Wood FInIsh
Features InterIor Features Included Natural Wood FInIshIng, HandIcap AccessIble, Bar, Dry Bar, Fully EquIped KItchen, Eat In KItchen, Separate DInIng Room, Laundry Room, MultIple M

Features InterIor Features Included Natural Wood FInIshIng, HandIcap AccessIble, Bar, Dry Bar, Fully EquIped KItchen, Eat In KItchen, Separate DInIng Room, Laundry Room, MultIple Master SuI