σπίτι αγορά σε Μπαδέση, Σαρδηνία
"Badesi Countryside " is an exclusive villa immersed in nature on a property 300 meters from the sea . The villa was born as a rural house converted into a unique residence. Surrounded by its own land of about 14,000 square meters is there ideal for all those who like to live surrounded by nature, in total relaxation and privacy. Despite its private location, the villa is close to services and businesses open all year round with the possibility of convenient connections to the main <span class="NormalTextRun SpellingErrorV2Themed SCXW55950667 BCX8" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; user-select: text; -webkit-user-drag: none; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent; background-repeat: repeat-x; background-position: left bottom; background-image: var(--urlSpellingErrorV2, url("
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If you have always wanted and searched for the perfect combination of countryside and sea, you have now found it in Badesi, Sardinia! In fact, this villa provides you with the calm and privacy

"Badesi Countryside" is an exclusive property surrounded by large green spaces and just 300 meters from the sea. This villa was born as a rural house converted into a unique residence. Surrounded by

The project includes three types of villas to suit every need: Prestige, Superior and Smart. The detached villas are accompanied by a beautiful private garden that surrounds the house. Its size varie

"Villa Silvia" in Badesi, ready for immediate delivery. The villa has two bedrooms, a bright living room with kitchenette where you can cook delicacies for you and your loved ones and a modern bathro